Science (Six of Swords)



What would be your interpretation of the Six of Swords? I just can't figure out this card. Fortunately, it has rarely come up yet, but the one time it did I really didn't know how to read it.

I know it is associated with Tiphareth, which is the balance of the Tree of Life. It's below the abyss, but yet in direct communication with Kether, as it were, so it seems to me the idea of intellect inspired. But I still dont' know; science seems such a strange name for it.


I drew this card today and it is very different from the RWS- showing a travel over water. I think the Science name came about because of the astrological correspondances- Mercury in Aquarius. The rose(stained glass window) and the cross speaks of secrets in a Freemasonry way- scientific secrets. I like to think it means clarity of thought- which you need for science. So it bids you to use your discrimination and intellect- slowly unfold like the rose- open up - become aware. When the light shines through a stain glass window, you can see the design- it is not made dull days. Make a journey towards new ways of thinking.~Rosanne


Consider the center of this card and its relation to the card's back.


Also read Crowley's intro to book 4 - Magick and his deffinition of magick ... it is a science.

All the different parts of a process (eg. our inherent ability, our environment, the tools at hand, the nature of the raw materials, and an understanding how to apply those laws, bend them and when we cannot go beyond their parameters are all the different understandings that make up a concious magical act and these things are represented by all the swords pointing in to the centre (heart of the matter) in harmony and achieving the end result.

Or see it as Tiphareth and all the paths feeding directly and indirectly into Tiphareth are the swords - they are now in harmony and not contending with each other.


So, it could mean that all the aspects of an issue are in harmoney and we're aligned properly to pull that off perhaps?


Rosanne said:
So it bids you to use your discrimination and intellect- slowly unfold like the rose- open up - become aware. When the light shines through a stain glass window, you can see the design- it is not made dull days. Make a journey towards new ways of thinking.~Rosanne

Oh wow i love you explanation, its beautiful!

I am too, sometimes very confused by this card, but now i feel like i understand parts of it better.


Another thing that helps me understand this card is to think of fencing-- I believe I've read some commentary by Lady Harris that the layout of the swords represents the different positions to guard and block. I took fencing lessons in epee for a little while, so this way of looking at the card works for me. Fencing takes what was originally butchering one another with pointy sticks and turns into a Science. So the 6 of Swords takes the sword, a symbol of intellect and discernment, arranged in what is the "perfected" use of the sword-- not for killing, but as a sport for the intellect.