10 of Cups as personal power?


I keep getting 10 of Cups in response to "what is the querent's personal power?" I have been asking in tandem with the idea that personal power emanates from the 3rd chakra, Manipura, the solar plexus. This particular querent has moon in virgo, if that would make a difference to anyone who considers astrology too.

I think it may suggest the power of spreading love, investing in love. People often tend to interpret the 10 of Cups as signifying a fall, but I don't see it that way. I'm not sure how cups power translates into the non-family world at large.


Personal Power 10 of Cups:

Ever hear the phrase "tug on your heart strings", someone who can get people to do things using emotions. Can be very powerful. Making someone feel good about themselves with emotions, or make them feel guilty. The ten is the extreme of the suit, the ultimate, perhaps at time they go too far, trying to live the 'fairy tale", it can be all in the mind, emotions more than reality. Manipuation through emotions, not good or bad, it is a personality type. It can be a very good type of boss, or very controling, keeping you under their thumb.