A new book I got.


Hey everyone, I just wanted to share what book I'm learning the tarrot on, it's called : 'TarotTalk The language of intuition' by Hazel Whitaker. In the book it explains all of the cards in the rider waite deck, and it has pictures of every card too! Some of it is a bit confusing, but so far I think it's exciteing and really well put together. If you want, i will give a sample of a card(please tell me if that is how you interpret it too ;)

The Fool

Elemental Influence: Air
Planetary Influence: Uranus
Numerological Influence: Zero


The title of this card is often misunderstood because it implies foolish behaviour. However, the fool signifies a naive approach to a new life exprerience.
The fool is numberd zero because it represents a person who has little or no experience of the situation they are about to become involved in. This person has an eager and positive attitude towards a new and exciteing phase of their life, but like a child who must learn to crawl before it can walk, they must learn to look before they leap. The leap of blind faith they are about to take is inevitable, so there they must proceed with Caution. The surrounding cards in the layout will reveal the nature of the adventure they are about to undertake.
The Fool wears beautiful, floral clothes, which represent the joyous experience the enquirer anticipates. The up-tilted anglr of his head indicates that even though he stands unwittingly on the edge of a dangerous cliff, he gives no thought to the potential danger involved in taking a careless leap. The barking dog at the Fool's heals represents his guardian or spirit guide. The bag he carries over his shoulder servers a receptacle for the lessons he will learn from his experiences. The fool reminds us that life invloves making a series of choices that only with the knowledge gained through experience we can make snsible and informed decisions.

*keywords*: New experience, proceed with caution.

Reversed: When reversed,the enquierer has learned the value and cost of an experience but is still determend to repeat it. The person belives that their actions will have a positive result. The surrounding cards will indicate weather their choice is wise or foolish. The fool often appears reversed when the enquierer has had a broken romance through poor choice of partner, but insists on continually choosing the same type of partner,thinking they can change them if they keep trying.

Reluctance to learn through experience.

That's the fool card for you! Is that information correct? And is this book worth $20? Please reply :D


are the meanings accurate?

I was reading the book I mentioned earlier, and i had a funny feeling that they wern't the right meanings for the cards... So are the meanings on the website accurate meanings for the cards? I might learn from this website instead *after some feedback*.
Thanks for helping me out.

Free Flight

Hi Daniel,

Which book are you referring to?

A lot of reading is intuitive so I would tend to ignore written meanings if they do not ring true for you. After learning the meanings of each card, a lot of my readings totally disregard this and I go with what feels right for each reading

If the definitions feel wrong for you, go with your intuition here and disregard. You may find another book which fits better, or have you tried just writing down what comes to mind as you look at each card

x FF


I'm often reluctant to try and reply to such precise questions, as I personally prefer to encourage a range of reading, and also a careful study of the imagery itself.

The book certainly seems to present the card according to the way others also tend to view it.

No attributed meanings, however, are held by all authors, and there is even greater variance as to the card's possible meanings when it comes to using such in a reading-at-hand.

Personally, I do not agree that this card has either astrological influences of Uranus, nor of the number zero - but of course Whitaker is not alone in suggesting these.

Perhaps of greater importance is to reflect on the descriptions, and looking carefully at the imagery, ask whether these seem to describe what seems to be occuring in the image.

Imagine, for example, that here is a photo or snapshot of a whole situation - painting an imaginary scenario from which the snapshot is taken, how can it be a reflection of the description; and also, how can it be quite radically different from the descriptions?

It is partly the answers to these kinds of questions that may lead to your own later writings of your own book on the deck of your then prefered choice :)


[moderating note]

Posts 2 & 3 formed a separate thread, and have now been merged into this thread for clarity.
