Would anyone be interested in a study group about colors?


I am interested at looking at the colors used in the deck, conforming to the GD color scales, and it will probably be less dull if I do it with others. Would anyone be interested? I'm thinking I'll post a card a week with it's color scales, and we could all play a sort of modified "Where's Waldo." It could be fascinating here especially, as Harris tended to mix the "official" colors creatively.


I think I'd be interested in this, but my knowledge of the color scales and the 4 Kabalistic worlds isn't very good. Not even sure if that previous sentence makes sense in using proper terms or getting the gist of your suggestion, closrapexa. Not sure I could comment in a constructive manner on any card, but I am interested in reading and learning. Thank you.


*raises hand*


Well, I'll start tomorrow with an explanation of what it's all about, and then the first card. Even if I end up talking with myself (which I do, quite often) I'll still learn about it.

Grigori, I've got a bone to pick with you, it's been two weeks since the last BoL post! Tsk, tsk, hard to get good help nowadays... :D


I'll be lurking.


V. Busy with other projects (including a case in the Supreme Court, defending - without legal representation - our right to live and build on our own land and have an eclectic casual 'Hermetic College' and ezpress our spiritual beliefs as we see fit etc etc blah blah) but hey, what the heck ... I'm in!

Maybe that slack 'help' of yours ;) can collate or refrence those other posts on the subject?


ravenest, I just posted the introduction and an explanation of the system used, feel free to chime in whenever you want. Like I said, I know little about the subject, so I will take things slowly. At the very least, it could be an important resource merely to have a "this color is present here" post for each card, as I haven't seem something similar online.

And I guess I'll index it when there will be something to index :)