Ace of Swords as feelings, good or bad ?


The Ace of Swords is an energetic card but very sharp; I got it repeatedly in a relationship reading where things are not going too well at the moment, in different positions....Is he thinking about her...what are his feelings for her...outcome position....I tend to take it as a positive card, meaning there is still interest at least, also meaning communication....what do you all think ???


I think the A of S is the equivalent to the sword as a magical weapon (or more technically correct - the dagger) and indicates a well functioning mind and rational capacity. Being the Ace, in a way, it contains all the other swords in potential.

It is a clear mind ... not a mind cluttered by ' ....Is he thinking about her...what are his feelings for her ' it is a mind working of and for itself, not full of worry , doubts and projections.

If one can get into this 'clear mind stream' one might find that such issues evaporate. Firstly, it wont matter to you and secondly the other person will be released from the unidentified, undercurrent, niggley, background vibration that such uncertainty projects ... so the problem could evaporate from both sides.

Unless the other person WANTS that sort of dynamic .... in which case I suggest you avoid them ... unless you want that dynamic as well ... i.e. things not going too well, but this card seems to indicate you need to change that.

In most cases I see this card appearing as an indication to have a 'clearer' mind.


The ace does not represent specific thoughts, just the capacity or potential for thought. Therefore the card is neutral and, for example, does not indicate in itself anything which might affect feelings one way or the other. Ravenest has taken a pretty good stab :D at what it might imply regarding a relationship.


I think the A of S is the equivalent to the sword as a magical weapon (or more technically correct - the dagger) and indicates a well functioning mind and rational capacity. Being the Ace, in a way, it contains all the other swords in potential.

It is a clear mind ... not a mind cluttered by ' ....Is he thinking about her...what are his feelings for her ' it is a mind working of and for itself, not full of worry , doubts and projections.

If one can get into this 'clear mind stream' one might find that such issues evaporate. Firstly, it wont matter to you and secondly the other person will be released from the unidentified, undercurrent, niggley, background vibration that such uncertainty projects ... so the problem could evaporate from both sides.

Unless the other person WANTS that sort of dynamic .... in which case I suggest you avoid them ... unless you want that dynamic as well ... i.e. things not going too well, but this card seems to indicate you need to change that.

In most cases I see this card appearing as an indication to have a 'clearer' mind. about just saying he's trying to be rational about things ?
Sorry for oversimplyfying....


Being rational means being emotionally cold. The Ace of Swords in a reading is not a sign of affection.


It's a positive for you. Means you'll be able to cut through the BS and see things for what they are. A victory for yourself and about the situation.


I got it once in a reading where the querent had asked about her loved one, -she thought he also liked her, but wasn't sure- Is there a woman in his life ?
She pulled the Ace of swords plus the queen that had consistently come up in the various spreads as representing her. I took this to mean that she was the only one he was thinking that case, I think it was a positive card....

ravenest about just saying he's trying to be rational about things ?
Sorry for oversimplyfying....

Sorry. I made an assumption (if I am wrong ... if I an right it was my 'intuition' :laugh: ) in that YOU were the other person (I just realised you might have been giving advice to another yourself ?) and my advise as to meaning is what YOU need to do ... not what he is doing ... or what your client needs to do.

Oversimplyfying things is fine .... might not solve the problem though ;)


The Ace of Swords can be seen as 'victory';that is what the crown, olive branch, and palm frond (RWS) is supposed to be about.