ten of swords, needing clarification


Wonderwoman said:
.traveller. do you mean the 10 of Swords as an irrevocable end? Cest Finit?? I believe that's more the Death card.

I don't realy see the Death card as an irrevocable end as opposed to it being a change, having said that, if you have BOTH the 10 of Swords and Death then we have a problem. Consider it DONE:D.


Took the words right out of my mouth...

You could not be more right...that's what i intentionally meant to say but i guess i focused on Death as the End..you're absolutely correct, 10Swords and Death is definitely bidding adieu..Not a Combo i'd like to see on any spread unless it is what the querent wished for...
Great Call :)

Heavensent said:
I don't realy see the Death card as an irrevocable end as opposed to it being a change, having said that, if you have BOTH the 10 of Swords and Death then we have a problem. Consider it DONE:D.

mystic mal

ten swords and the wheel

Symbolically I see the Swords suit as like having a boil for years full of poison but the I0 of swords is when the boil finally bursts,it looks an awful phase but when the poisons out the healing can begin and with the Wheel following I see it as a chance to get back on the up and up. A positive outcome from a negative phase.


Thank you

I just want to thank everyone for your thoughts. I've been reading over this thread, as well as, rereading some of the older threads and I feel I have a better grasp of the meanings behind this duo. What was throwing me off was putting it/them into context. I believe that they are indicating a chapter or phase (for lack of a better word) is ending but with a transition to a new state in the works. The new state is still unformed so it is not known how it will manifest, it is merely potential at this point.

p.s. For the curious, it came up when I used Umbrae's Relationship spread on a non-relationship relationship that had been severed a while back. What was strange was that the cards were all speaking of right now rather than the past. That's why the Wheel and the ten threw me for a loop, I was expecting cards indicating stagnancy or non-change.

That's what's great about the cards, they can give one a fresh perspective.