World Spirit Tarot - Seeker / Knight of Wands


You just gotta love this guy.

He's so laid back and confident, he's not even bothering to face the right way on his horse, instead he lies in a very relaxed way across it's back.
He looks straight out of the card at the viewer - this guy is no shrinking violet.
He holds a flaming want but he's not really concentrating on it and behind him is what looks like a smoking volcano.
His horses saddle is flame shaped too.

He's fire of fire, he likes action but he's got a short concentration span.. .Things interest him for a little while then he loses interest and goes on to the next big thing.
He's a wand persona so he's fiery but as with everything else with this guy, his temper won't last long, he'll flare up at you but he won't bare any grudges and he'll have forgotten what he was so mad about quicker than you will.
He's charming and probably has loads of friends and he already has the leadership qualities that will one day make him into a king.
He makes me think of the popular guy in those 1980s teen films..
The girls want to be with him and the boys want to be him but he doesn't really take life too seriously.


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Fire & Passion


Wands are certainly about the fire and passion that we have for life. The Seeker (Knight), as you have noted, is Fire of Fire. We have to remember that Knights represetn action ... so this young man is represented as perhaps being a little "too" laid back for all of the fiery energy that surrounds him. It can very easily get out of control.

The constant movement here can indicate that he does not finish what he begins. Is the Seeker (in this case, the person being read for) enjoying life a bit too much? Are they moving from project to project at too brisk a pace, putting their toes in the water and then moving on to other interests?

The potential of what this card "can" be against the reality of what it "is" in a reading could very well be the backbone of the reading! ;-)



Hi Bonnie,

Yes I agree with everything you've said.
This guy has a lot of energy and he's not that good at controlling and directing it just yet, he's the type to have his fingers in many pies yet he doesn't put his all into anything in particular.
He's not a great one for staying power... All that fire burns itself out quickly so he flits from one thing to the next, often not finishing what he has started.