Ancient Feminine Wisdom: Of Goddesses and Heroines Oracle


What goddesses are included? If it's too many to type out, are Bast or Kwan Yin there? If so I'll probably have to get it, if not I can think about it a bit longer. I'd actually forgotten all about this deck!


Thank you avalonian for the description...I think I might give them a go....I love the Spiral.
It seems I have given away all of my goddess decks lately and a good friend just ran off with my Angel Blessings...she's "supposed" to give them back after she plays with this might be a nice fresh new deck pick for me to try.


Cards are:

The First Goddesses: Gaia, Mnemosyne, Themis, Metis, Nemesis, Selene, Eos, Amphitrite

Olympian Goddesses: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis

Chthonic Goddesses: Eurynome, Cybele, Hecate, Persephone, Circe, Eris

Guardian Goddesses: Nike, Hygieia, Iris, Harmonia, Hebe, Tyche

The Heroine's Journey: Psyche, Ariadne, Pandora, Medusa

Lovers And Partners: Helen, Clytemnestra, Penelope, Calypso, Echo, Galatea

The Power of the Heroine: Moirae, Medea, Pythia, Cassandra, Pheme, Carpo, Maenads, Flora

Virtues of the Heroine: Amalthea, Alcestis, Antigone, Iphigenia, Hesperides, Charities, Auxo, Penthesileia

So, no, ilweran, afraid Kwan Yin and Bast are not there, but I wouldn't let that put you off. I actually like the fact that some of the goddesses included are not the "usual" ones

A friend told me that the design on the back is the Oracle of Delphi which would make perfect sense if it is correct.


Thank you! Thank you!
What a wonderful site you have!
Those cards are beautiful.....I haven't ordered them yet, thank you again for posting your link.


Venus Moon said:
What is that thing called, it's a burner type thing, the name escapes me. So pretty.
Not sure, but do mean a labyrinth?


wow, thanks for images Drakkaenae!!!