Arcus Arcanum--The Hermit IX


On a rough path, high up, in front of a lit cave, stands a robed, hooded, white-bearded man holding in his left hand a staff and in his right a lit lantern. At his feet there lies an hourglass on its side, and behind him on the ground are two black birds, perhaps crows or ravens. There are mountains in the distance, but on the same level as where he's standing; the closest ridge, which seems to be the edge of a cliff, is lined with pine trees or other conifers. It seems to be daylight, because the far peaks seem to be sunlit, but it's dark and cloudy overhead.

His garb is simple: a brown robe and hooded cloak, a rope belt, sandals. He seems to be the typical hermit of most decks. What I find interesting is the hourglass: lying on its side as it is, it is not showing the passage of time. Perhaps time does not apply to him or to his position; he is, in a sense, timeless. His search for truth and enlightenment is equally timeless. Daylight or no, the cave is lit, and his lantern is ablaze.

The ravens: can anyone speak about them?


I think he's come to the realization that time doesn't exist, that time is manmade & is illusion. The Hermit is my Soul Card & has always held special meaning to me. I love the isolated feeling of the elevation, yet the enveloping atmosphere of the warm cozy cave & nature; a comfortable place to be introspective in order to gain or impart wisdom, to go into your closet & listen to the still small voice. I wonder though about the climate - is it warm? Cold? I get the feeling of fall & warmth; his feet are in sandals, yet he's heavily robed.


It could be most times of year; this is up in the mountains, where it gets chilly any time. I made the same observation about the Fool's fur-trimmed clothes.