Reading with only Majors, Courts, and Aces

The Happy Squirrel

Has anyone tried reading with the majors, courts, and aces only?
How did it work for you?
Would you recommend it?
What occasions would you recommend this be done?


From where do you get this idea? It looks awesome, something to experiment with. I'll find occasion to check it out.


When I do a Celtic cross with only majors, it's the final say on the question. I use majors only on my Celtic crosses when the Celtic crosses that I did were not clear for me.

Ruby Jewel

Minor arcana

Look on utube for Dale Jackson. She reads only court cards, aces and major arcana. She calls it "The Dale Jackson Way." I've often considered trying it myself, but there's something I like about the personalized aspect of the minor arcana. If I were reading about a more abstract or universal consideration, like "will we go to war?" I would not use the minor arcana. I think it really is a matter of what kind of question is asked. But, the minor arcana personalizes, refines and clarifies a situation it seems to me.

I think your take, Miss Nine to Five", is also a good one. It is sort of like spiritual input from a "higher source" in order to clarify it. Sometimes we are too close to a situation to see it and a little "distance" gives a new perspective.


This practice of using only those 42 cards seems more common than many realize. The first volume of Kaplan's Encyclopedia of Tarot is quite generous in the number of spreads given many of which only use those cards.


what would be the purpose of just using the majors, courts and aces? I understand that people do Major readings perhaps to find out their destiny or life purpose or something like that, a big answer from the universe! I am not sure why adding people cards and the Aces and excluding the other suit number cards would change things in such a way in regards to the question / topic?

Although experimenting is good, I think excluding cards should be done in moderation, I would ask myself, how will cutting the cards out on this question improve the reading? There is a purpose for all those cards to be in there and that's for balance. There is readings when it is worth doing but I wouldn't do it every time, it upsets balance. What about the mundane in life?

but if you try it, let us know how you get on!