"your name" spread


I finally got a chance to do this spread the other day...

Very insightful and exposing of some traits I do not like but do realize I have at times... it showed pretty clearly what I've become and what I need to work on.

Thanks for sharing this spread!


my name is 'chin lee kam'...
so how to make a spread for my name?
thus, what does the card tells about in this name spread?


chin lee kam

here's how you would do your name.
place a card in each letters position- even the 'X'

C-HI-N: c= past, hi=present, n= future
L-E-E: l= obsticals, e= self, e= allies
K-A-M-X-X: k= body, a= mind, m= spirit, x= emotions, x= will

September Pixie

Maybe I am misunderstanding this... but.. uh.. how do we draw the cards from our names? I mean do we add the letters together in the sections or just place them? And if you just draw them, why is your name even used as opposed to just drawing cards for this spread?


i'm not very sure about this, but i think considering 'chin lee kam' is a chinese name, 'chin' would be the surname and 'lee kam' would qualify as the first name. no middle name. so then maybe the spread should look like this?




and would my name be done like this luna?


KA-VI-TA (past-present-future)

D-EV-I (obstacles-allies-self)

TH-AM-ILSE-LV-AM or should it be TH-AMI-LS-ELV-AM ?
( body-mind-spirit-emotions-will)


sirona86 said:


KA-VI-TA (past-present-future)

D-EV-I (obstacles-allies-self)

TH-AM-ILSE-LV-AM ( body-mind-spirit-emotions-will)

need cards in the middle name space even without a middle name



I think I'm fond of this spread. If only because it helped me to focus on the person I'm reading for, which can be a big problem for me and my cards...

Wisp Wings

Does this use your birth full name, or current full name?

I never use my birth original first name and as married the last name has changed.


When I did my name I used my current name in full.
Did not go with the shortened version of my first name which would be a problem because I spell it different now and then.

In asking that question, you made me think- If one wanted to look into thier past, say repressed memories from some childhood experience, using the birth name seems appropriate.