9 vs 10


When it comes to interpretations, I've always debated whether the conclusion number, the card that would mean completion, ending, fulfilment is the number nine, or the number ten. In some tdm literature out there, the number nine is called the finish line of the suit, and ten means the restart, the new path. I follow this way of thinking, but often feel a little conflicted about that concept.

I wanna hear the communities thoughts on this...

Cheers peeps.



To me, the 9 can mean that you are almost there or that you are fulfilled in your wishes. 10 usually shows an ending, and if it's good or not it depends on what the querent asked me/told me. Sometimes, I can see the 10 as being a new, fresh start, but again it always depends on what the querent is sharing with me, or what my intuition tells me.

This might change in the future though, I've been reading TdM for 3,4 months now. But right now, that's how I see those numbers.


For what it's worth, I read somewhere(?) that the 9 is the fulfillment and the 10 is the postscript... It works for me in a way


For what it's worth, I read somewhere(?) that the 9 is the fulfillment and the 10 is the postscript... It works for me in a way

I see it this way as well. The Greeks called Nine the "third perfection" (after the Three and the Six) and numerologically it's the last simple number (Ten reduces to One, so it's both a completion and a new beginning). Aleister Crowley quoted Zoroaster: "The number Nine is sacred, and attains the summit of perfection."

You don't have to scratch the Book of Thoth (or for that matter, the Thoth Minor Arcana) very deeply to find its TdM roots. Elsewhere Crowley says: "The Nine represents always the fullest development of the Force in its relation with the Forces above it. The Nine may be considered as the best that can be obtained from the type involved, regarded from a practical and material standpoint."