Relationship of Trumps to suits/courts

Allen Garrow

Some where along my path I stumbled across an article that showed the relationships of the Trump cards to the Suits and Court cards. The Magus rules over,,,Aces? Could someone please help me tie this together?



Where did you see this as I haven't heard about this?


Do you mean astrologically Allen? e.g. The Emperor rules over Aries, and so also the Queen of Wands and Prince of Disks, and so also the 2, 3 and 4 of Wands?

Or numerologically (is that a real word? :confused: ) people often look at the numbers and how they match. So Magican 1 rules the Aces, High Priestess 2 rules the 2's, Empress 3 rules the 3's etc.. You could then double up after you reach 10 and so Lust 11 rules over the Aces, Hanged Man 12 rules over the 2's etc... "Tarot Decoded" has a section on Numerical Dignities that give keywords for the numbers, but any numerology reference will give the same. Most of my RWS style books refer to this as some stage.


I always think of the quadrant of power, the "parents" as signifiers of the suits elements within the major arcana.
The masculine and energetic power of the magcian symbolises fire and thus wands.
The Feminine and receptive power of the High Priestess links to water and the cups.
The feminine strength of the Empress symbolises the natural world, matter and thus pentacles.
The masculine and rational strength of the Emperor reminds me of air and swords.
This is just a personal perception, but it works for me.


Check out the tree of life diagram in the Book of Thoth. Kether rules all of the trumps and the aces. The Magus is the path from Kether to Binah, and each trump has its own path.