Excellent Spread for making a choice


Wow, i copied this spread down... first one in my journal :-]
I havent tried it yet, but no doubt it will come into use in the not so far future! Thx alot :-]



Thank you - have just tired the spread - very interesting - I have seen similar spreads - I like this one because it shows the "action" and external influences - also has a card for the core of the situation...



I have been thinking I should try a new spread, and this looks like a winner! Thanks for sharing it!


Re: Thanks

Kitty said:
Thank you - have just tired the spread - very interesting - I have seen similar spreads - I like this one because it shows the "action" and external influences - also has a card for the core of the situation...


I really love this spread. I've used it about 3 different times now 3 completely different readings for different people and I have to say that its given them a good amount of information for both pathways. I also like the fact that it shows the core situation first. :D


Thanks for posting :)


I just use this spread to see what career path I should follow. It worked great, I actually forgot to think which was which, but the action cards was dead on to the careers i was thinking about getting a degree for.

It was loads of help! THANKS FOR THIS! I've added in to my notebook, I know it'll come in handy


what does cards 3 and 7 stand for . i mean what is action ?


I'm pretty sure "action" is what your two choices are. ?


I'm so glad you posted this here! I found the same spread a few weeks ago and have put it to very good use. I can attest that it can be very very insightful :)


I did this spread to help decide whether to apply for a job. It accurately reflected my motivations for wanting to and not wanting to, and suggested I would be better off staying as I am (although I might have seen that because it's what I wanted to see). Thanks for posting!