Wildwood - Two of Bows


Card/Number/Keyword - 2 of Bows, Decision.

First Impressions - There's so much fire in this image - so why does it look so cold?

Senses - The air is brisk, stimulating the mind. Heat crackles all around - the same tiny explosions as the wood burns, but these are subsumed by the larger roar as fire consumes. Grass scratches your feet. You're very alive.

Symbols - Red cloak. Fire.

Story -

It started out small - a spark - but now it's in danger of consuming you. At first it seemed easier to let it burn, to enjoy the warmth, the excitement. And as the excitement fed on itself, you felt increasingly that anything was possible. It felt good. It was good. You felt on top of the world, that anything was possible; you felt like a beacon of humanity's infinite potential, an ambassador of invention...

Until the spark grew. Until it was no longer exciting. Until it burned you...

And now it's not enough to be filled with a primal sense of possibility. Now something must be done. There's urgency - choose now, whilst you can! - because if you leave this choice too long and you'll have only one option left: dash out the flames.

Now...now...ignore the heat, use the cool processes of the mind to take the spark and decide how you will give it form.

Keywords/Meaning: Focussing creativity, choosing the form of a project.

Element: Fire.

What To Do: Take the excitement you feel about an idea and start the process of making it into something concrete.

What No To Do: Consider the idea the same thing as a finished article.

Next Steps: Look carefully at your idea: what do you have to do to proceed? How will you start to capture the vague idea of what you want to accomplish without dashing your enthusiasm?

Affirmation: I act on my ideas.


I'm surprised you don't make your living as a writer. :) I haven't written well for years, but you and others are sparking a small interest in me to try using the cards to make up short stories (or to encourage my mother in her writing).

On-topic: I received this card in a draw yesterday, but didn't get around to posting it. I'll be back later.