LS Pagan Tarot - Judgement


This card is all about dealing with our memory and the past.

It's obvious that our witch doesn't forget about Burning Times and it invokes us to remember our past too (not to push it away or to run from it). We can be grateful or not, can learn some lessons or not, but there's no room for refusal, because one day we'll have to come to terms with the past in order to live further and we'd better be ready for it any time.

It's about prices we have to pay for what we have. When we get this card it probably indicates time to mourn the long gone and the sacrifices we made or that we made for us, and go on.

But all this can turn against us and provoke the guilt (for instance, our witch can feel that she's not worth anything, because she hasn't archieved anything outstanding compared to her predecessors - and while they had to worry about inquisition she doesn't have to).

Or intead of mourning the dead one can start mourning something that's still alive and can be rescued (for me the picture on the top looks like the girl is turning her back to still alive witch and, instead of saving condemned, girl's started planning the vengeance already).

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It is nice to see a different interpretation. Personnally, I saw this card as an consultation on personnal struggles and challenges.


And what's the type of consultation? Advice, strong recommendation, gentle pushing or somethings else? Can you please tell some more about what you see?

And, as kind of off-topic: can you take a look at the emperor thread, please? I desperately need to know the answer)


Although I beleive the deck is meant to be read with all cards upright, there are still darker or negative aspects associated with each card also.

And in that context, I see the Seeker being keenly aware of the consequences of making false and harmful judgements about things, causing pain and anxiety to all.


Here I imagine our seeker is undergoing a past life regression and is finding out, that yes, in another lifetime, during the burning times, she was a young girl confronted by the horror of the gallows and the burning pieres.
....... and maybe even victim to that.....

What she learns from this experience is, that her tradition now enjoys the fruits of the toil and terror of her predecessors.
it is her responsibility to honor the memory - lest it may be forgotten and also guard against a repetition.