The snake around the Magician & the lemniscate and Hebrew letters


Brightcrazystar mentioned in the thread the Y on the staff, the word Nachash, the serpent as one of the three appearances of Scorpio.
The Magician is surrounded by a snake with his tail in his Mouth.
This strengthen the connection with Scorpio.

I did some puzzling with the word Nachash, which has a value of 358, the same value as the word Meshiach in hebrew Gematria.

358 totals to 16, The Tower connected with Mars, ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio is the 8th sign and 16 is 2 x 8.

What i find striking that there appears also a lot of eights and connections between the letters when you analyze the letters of the Word Nachash
Nun Cheth Shin

Nun is the 8th simple letter, Scorpio is the 8th zodiacal sign.
Mars Rules Scorpio.
Mars, the 16th Card and 16 is 358 reduced

Cheth has a value of 8 and is in tarot the Card numbered 7.
7 is the reduction of 16

Shin is connected with XX which is connected with the element Fire and Pluto
Pluto rules Scorpio, the 8th Sign

astrological value Scorpio : 8 th Sign
Value of the letter Cheth : 8
Planet Pluto rules Scorpio : 8 th Sign

8 is connected with Christ The Messiah, value 358 as Nachash, Serpent.
We also know Christ as the Fish (Nun)

These 8's from the snake, Nachash around the Magician point to the lemniscate, which we find back on the 8th Card in tarot, Strength connected to Leo and the letter Teth which means snake. The second card which pictures the lemniscate, another 8.

It is also interesting to see the picture in tarot:
Nun =Death Cheth= Chariot Shin= Judgement
On Death we find Death and two towers in the East with a Sun rising.
On the Chariot the young crowned man "dwells" between the stars.
On Judgement people arise from their coffins.
This all is guided by Snakepower and the promiss of the last Letter, the return of the Messiah.
Edited: i need some help with the tarot interpretation in "the snake context"
Death, Chariot and judgement together combined with/through a snake



A really important reason to see that Mars, through Scorpio, and Mercury have this relationship, Astrologically and in the cube of space is in the fact the as Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo - and neither are Fire, or Cardinal or Fixed, this means Mercury has no astrological diplomat to Mars. He does so through Venus, (through Taurus and Libra). This is why the Hierophant and the Hegemon face the Hiereus. Both Venus (Hierophant is Taurus) and Justice is Hegemon reconciling, facing The MARS force in the Outer Order - The Hiereus, who is named DARKNESS. The Candidate first is told to say when asked why they have come. Libra Tells the Candidate to Tell Taurus that "My SOUL is wandering in DARKNESS." Mercury, as Virgo is barring the candidate from entry, by the power of the Hekas Hekas Este Bibiloi of the Kerux from his second post.

This is why Mercury as Sahasrara the Crown is on the top of the chakras, and mars as Muladhara is on the bottom. They only communicate through others.

The serpent is also Kundalini, in a REAL unblinded card, the serpent would be wrapped 3 times visibly, and one half which he has swallowed. This is the cord with which the candidate is bound, and later wears as a belt he APPLIES to himself. The Belt is in every myth from Thor to Orion, a key to his "Strength"

This is Scorpio as the self-created Ptah, who in creating the world, creates Ra, whom me he serves as Thoth. Later, in young Hoor Par Kraat, he reteaches his nature, which is why he rises forth as the Avenger, and becomes Lord of the Two Horizons.

This is Ptah/Thoth. The Hermit at the end of his destination. He recieves the Magick from Nuit who guarded it in the tomb of Geb, i.e. the Double Hall of Ma'at, symbolized by the Neophyte Ceremony, bestows a part of it to Isis to Kill Ra, and Ressurect Osiris in the Land of the Dead. The Magick

The Light of the Temple are raised, the canididate is unblinded, and the Kerux as Thoth stands forth to speak the word of "Ra" that the Candidate has witnessed the Golden Dawn. This is why the Background is yellow. This is why the Kerux empties the cup, inverts it, and destroys the SILENCE with TELESTAI.

(and when I say Golden Dawn, I am NOT talking about an organization you can apply to, in particular.)


brightcrazystar said:
Libra Tells the Candidate to Tell Taurus that "My SOUL is wandering in DARKNESS." Mercury, as Virgo is barring the candidate from entry
On Pent. 5 we find these souls wandering in Darkness. Pent 5 is Mercury in Taurus.
The symbology of The Vesica piscis(reminds me to Virgo) of Pentacles 3.(Mars in Capricorn) with 3 man "standing" in the darkness of the Vesica Pisces. Are those connected?

brightcrazystar said:
This is why Mercury as Sahasrara the Crown is on the top of the chakras, and mars as Muladhara is on the bottom. They only communicate through others
Sahasrara the Crown the Lemniscate of the Magician
Muladhara Bottom When the tower falls the bottom remains as fundament for new things to build.

Mercury(Key 1)+Mars(Key 16) = 17. the Star -Aquarius-Female naked Angel
Mars(16) - Mercury(1) = 15. The Devil-Capricorn-Angel of Darkness
Mars between the Angel of Darkness and the Angel of Light.
Are those his "helpers" in this communication through other planets?

brightcrazystar said:
The serpent is also Kundalini, in a REAL unblinded card, the serpent would be wrapped 3 times visibly, and one half which he has swallowed. This is the cord with which the candidate is bound, and later wears as a belt he APPLIES to himself. The Belt is in every myth from Thor to Orion, a key to his "Strength"
There are a lot cards with "real" snakes pictured, but also a lot of other snakes. Especially when we involve belts herein. Unblinding cards, will possibly show a lot more snakes, i read from your words.
I am able to find these:
0.Belt of Orion around the Fool
1.snake as belt around Magician "top of the Chakras"
6.The snake in the three behind Eve
8.Strength=letter Teth means snake. The belt of roses around the lion-lady
Teth is one of the serpent letters, P F Case teaches there are 3.
Teth is the first serpent letter where the serpent is still coiled up.
9.The staff of the Hermit, as the staff of Moses which transformed into a
10.The snake descending near the wheel of Fortune
11.Justice= Letter Lamed 2nd serpent letter. Lamed pictures the uncoiled
snake, as an erect serpent
12.The belt around the Hanged Man
13.Death=Scorpio Scorpio is also pictured as snake
14.Temperance= Letter Samekh 3rd serpent letter. Samekh represents a snake with his tail in his mouth
15.The "belts" around the neck of Adam and Eve
16.Tower, Mars rules Scorpio, which is pictured as snake
21.the wrap around the world-dancer, sometimes a ouroboros is around her.
brightcrazystar said:
The Light of the Temple are raised, the canididate is unblinded, and the Kerux as Thoth stands forth to speak the word of "Ra" that the Candidate has witnessed the Golden Dawn. This is why the Background is yellow. This is why the Kerux empties the cup, inverts it, and destroys the SILENCE with TELESTAI.
(and when I say Golden Dawn, I am NOT talking about an organization you can apply to, in particular.)
The yellow background on other cards are also related to this?

The Golden Dawn, you mention above,I think, is the crown, between the moutains, Chokmah and Binah at the end of the path behind Temperance. The symbol of the cumulation of The Great Work.
Temperance wears the (golden) sun-symbol around his head.
Zawhab: Zayin, Heh, Beth has a value of 14. Zawhab means gold, the philosofical gold. Perfect verified Truth
Samekh is the 3rd serpent Letter. The snake with its tail in its mouth. Completion and eternity.



The short answer is Yellow is different things in different scales.

Aleph, Beth, Teth
Air, Mercury, Leo

It correlates to the Sahasrara Chakra, Sol in the Briatic, which is Mercury in the Yetziratic, and The Phallus in Perfected Man. It is the direct influence of Kether on both the Pillar of Severity, and the Pillar of Mercy, from the Crown.

Beth means Family, household as well as building

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo

Gemini is Orange - Yellow admixed with equal Red.
Virgo is Yellow Green - 1 part Blue to two parts Yellow.

Gemini is Lovers - Zain, which means "Mattock, Phallus" (not sword, "Chereb")
Virgo is Hermit - Yod, which means "Hand" and implies as a verb "Two Work"

The Magician has his rod in hand and up high.


brightcrazystar said:
Gemini is Lovers - Zain, which means "Mattock, Phallus" (not sword, "Chereb")
Can you shed some light on this? Do you mean with Mattock a tool for ploughing?
Is there an explanation for Mattock, Phallus in stead of Sword, as the meaning for Zain, as Zain is translated mostly as Sword?

Crowley wrote in the Cephaloedium working:
"Zain is the sword of the Phallus, and Gemini the double sexual nature, the murder-lust between the incestuous twins Cain and Abel, Horus and Set or Harpocrates, Osiris and Typhon"
in 777 Zain is translated as Sword.



"Zain" (Zain Yod Nun) is the Hebrew word for the "Phallus." It is called "Sword" in translation nowhere but translated texts, and those only the veiled efforts of mystics and fraternities. The original glyph was that of a plowhead opening the earth. Think of this in the making swords into plowshares references.

"Chereb" means "Long Metal sharp weapon" not "Zain."

Lance to Cup.
Sword to Disk.


brightcrazystar said:
"Zain" (Zain Yod Nun) is the Hebrew word for the "Phallus." It is called "Sword" in translation nowhere but translated texts, and those only the veiled efforts of mystics and fraternities. The original glyph was that of a plowhead opening the earth. Think of this in the making swords into plowshares references.

"Chereb" means "Long Metal sharp weapon" not "Zain."

Lance to Cup.
Sword to Disk.

Thanks brightcrazystar,
I understand now.
The meaning of Zain, the Phallus with gemini, The lovers, feels better than a sword. The Phallus even is pictured on the Lovers.
Another connection RWS with Kaballah.
Glad to know this now!



The sword is iron, the weapon of mars. Mars(Peh) in Gemini (Zain) is the terror the Hiereus (Horus) tells you that "Fear is failure, and the forerunner of failure." It the flash in the darkness that is the Mystery of the Gate of the West. The through-thrusting fire of the cross upon the banner of the west, which is on the hegemon, and the hierophant,.. and originates upon the Imperator.

Zain is Seven, Yod is Ten, Beth is Two. These are 29.

Yod and Beth are the Pillars, The Lovers, the Initiate and the Angel are married between them, by the precedence of The Imperator, Hoor in his splendor. The Same terror is seen in the Devil, where Mars in Capricorn is the Terrror hinted at in Hod, Mercury. That terror is "Fear of Commitment," people don't fear their is a Devil, they fear they may be trapped with him, BY their own weakness. This is Pachad, Terror, another name for Geburah, and valued at 93.

Same as Love, Will, Army, and Star.


Btw, it occured to me to explain the connection from Capricorn in this - the base reason is Ayin is 70 which is Zain multilpied by Yod. Hope that clarifies.


brightcrazystar said:
Btw, it occured to me to explain the connection from Capricorn in this - the base reason is Ayin is 70 which is Zain multilpied by Yod. Hope that clarifies.
Like the Devil(XV) is reduced the Lovers(VI)where on both the lovers appear and An Angel. The torch of the Devil is a Phallus-symbol.
Ayin "Eye" and Zain "Phallus". Is Eye the correct translation for Ayin?

The BOTA, Devil,clearly shows a connection between Capricorn and Mercury, the Magician.
This Devil has a Mercury sign just below the navel.

Quote " The Same terror is seen in the Devil, where Mars in Capricorn is the Terrror hinted at in Hod, Mercury. That terror is "Fear of Commitment," people don't fear their is a Devil, they fear they may be trapped with him, BY their own weakness. This is Pachad, Terror, another name for Geburah, and valued at 93."
For me it is difficult to understand what you write here. I try to absorb it.

But is this,what you mention, related with the Mercury Sign just below the navel.
P F Case",A Key of the wisdom of the ages:
"It may be worth mentioning that this Devil has a navel. He is a human product, begotten of man's ignorance. A symbol of Mercury is shown just below his navel, to indicate that he is a product of faulty observation and superficial reasoning"
