5 cards with interesting concepts


I am not sure if anyone else had noticed this, while doing and exercise on learning your cards, just looking at them, looking for same colors, same theme, etc. writing a story about each card. I came to find that these 5 cards had an interesting symbolism/concept that I wanted to get more info/take on.

Strength, the lion has it tail between it's back legs, this is a sign of submission in the animal world. this lion is submitting to her, even if he doesn't like her handling his mouth, the lion looks to be choking on something. stick out it tongue, she has concern written all over her face, like she is try to help the lion from choking, she opening his mouth, I also notice that she and the lion are giants, the lion looks to be struggling/pawing with 4 paws at the round ripping/scratching the earth making a rise/mound, too me Earth Quake

the Death card and the moon card, on the death card in the back ground there are two towers with the sun shining through (Stonehenge) on top of a cliff, then on the moon you have the same.

The Star, this has the lady pouring water onto the earth as well as into the water, I for some strange reason see this as a tsunami.

Judgment, okay sorry if I offend anyone, when I look at this card I see hurricane katrina, new Orleans, why in new Orleans they have cemeteries above ground beautiful crypts in this card I see them floating on water like boats.


TeaBiscuts said:
Judgment, okay sorry if I offend anyone, when I look at this card I see hurricane katrina, new Orleans, why in new Orleans they have cemeteries above ground beautiful crypts in this card I see them floating on water like boats.
That reminds me to who pays the Ferryman. The Greek who take a coin in the mouth to pay the Ferryman who brings them over the water.
But it also reminds me to the ceremonies on Bali, where the deads on a boat are set in fire on the sea.
And Off course in Pangandaran, that beautifull village, where they put a bull in a boat, and the statue of Ngai Lara Kidul, with 1000 boats of the villagers to honour the Goddess of the South Sea. She who is held responsible for the Big Tsunami in Indonesia. Still now people in Indonesia bring offers to the Sea to avoid this happening again. So what you learn in Pangandaran: Never wear her colour, Green, When you are on the beach, cause the Sea will punish you.
A Goddess still very alive. Even in Parangtritis and Bali are hotels, with a special room for her: Ngai Lara Kidul. The Hotel in Parangtritis did this not help much. With the Earthquake of Yogyakarte, the Hotel Queen of the South of Parangtritis was taken by the sea.... And still now, legend teach there that this Goddess always has a relationship with the Sultan of Yogyakarta, in fact she had them all!. They meet on Mount Merapi, where the guru died this year, the guru who was there, send by the Sultan, to avoid Merapi booming.....


wow, I had no idea, this is interesting info. this is something I would like to read more about thanks for posting.


TeaBiscuts said:
wow, I had no idea, this is interesting info. this is something I would like to read more about thanks for posting.
Hi Teabiscuts
Here on Wiki you will find some links of the spiritual bride of the Sultans of Yogya and Solo:
on this site you can download a very interesting pdf:
There are many stories of this Goddess in Indonesia, in fact, every village has their own story, all based on same principles: Java has 7 entrances for the Goddess. One entrance (That of Parangtritis) is connected with the watercastle of the sultan of Yogya. She is the spiritual bride of ALL sultans (past-now-future) of Yogya and Solo.
In a cave on Mount Merapi she meets the Sultans.
The rest varies.(very...)

The story of the Guru,Mbah Maridjan: very sacred for the Indonesian people, you can find here:
"That his spirit may rest with the Fire of Mount Merapi and the Water of the roaring Sea of Parangtritis" Selamat Jalan Bapak Mbah....



to say nothing of the sarcophagus of osiris afloat to lebanon. which of course is as emblematic as Mosheh (Moses) on the Hile to be delivered to Bithiah.

water as the medium of the dead's passage to ressurection is older than human record.


Oh you guys thanks this is fascinatingly kewl, thanks, later tonight I know what I'll be reading, in the mean time RL is calling me . be back later.


TeaBiscuts said:
.....the Death card and the moon card, on the death card in the back ground there are two towers with the sun shining through (Stonehenge) on top of a cliff, then on the moon you have the same......
Death and Moon are related. Among other things they are both water signs, Scorpio and Pisces; their Paths on the Tree are 24 and 29, both of which are numerologically transformed into 3 by extension and reduction; and they both have the two pillars. They can be thought of as The Pillars of the Gods of the Dawning Light (a Golden Dawn reference). In Death the Sun has already risen. In Moon, the coming of Dawn is implicit. To indicate this, in the Universal Waite deck the sky is slightly lighter on the horizon between the two pillars.