The Star, The Lovers and King of Wands


Hi Everyone, I been learning tarot cards for awhile now but unfortunately have a long way to go. I recently did a reading for how a relationship will end up and i got the The Star, Lovers and the King of wands. I was using the Guilded deck.

The Star to me could mean a renewal to an intense love experience for both partners, but i have no clue what the king of wands after could mean. I would love for feedback thanks!


Moderator note

Hi Black_Ivory,

Welcome to the forum :).

This thread has been moved over to Your Readings from the Gilded Tarot study forum as this is where readings are posted that you need help with.

Please take a few minutes to read through the posting rules at the top of Your Readings… Here's a link:
Your Readings posting rules.

Because this is a learning forum we ask that you:
  • Interpret each card yourself before anyone else posts with their interpretations - this really helps you to learn, especially if you're focusing on the cards that you're having the most trouble with.
  • That you return to the thread when you have some replies and discuss the interpretations you've been given with each person who has replied.. They are learning too and leaving thorough feedback helps you and the people who have responded and makes this whole process into an equal exchange where everyone is learning.

Please add your interpretation of the King of Wands. If you need some help with meanings we have a really good page of card meanings here; click the Tarot Card Meanings (click) tab at the top of the page.

Could other posters please wait?


Sulis - moderator