What cards do you like, dislike, or soso


Well I have been slowly learning the Thoth deck over this past week, I still haven't done any readings yet. I am pulling out cards and reading up on them, and in doing so I found out which cards I like and which cards I don't like based on the images.

I just thought to share with you the cards I like most in the deck and the cards I dislike in the deck. I would be interested to know what cards you like and don't like, even share with me the one that your 50/50 on.

45 Cards I like, love the cards


The Hermit
The Chariot
The Sun
The Devil
The Empress
The Hierophant
The Moon
The Lovers
The Hanged Man
The Aeon
The Priestess

Suit of Cups 1 - 10 and all the courts princess -Knight - just gorgeous
Suit of Disks - ace, 2, 3 7, 8, 10 and all the court cards
Suit of Swords - 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
Suit of Wands - 2, 4, 5, 8, 10

Cards I Dislike

TRUMPS- i just don't like them the images, not 100% why yet, there maybe a reason, maybe someone here might know why.

The Star
The Tower
The Fool

Suit of Wands - Ace, 7, 9, all courts I dislike
Suit of Swords - ace and all the courts I dislike

Here are the Cards that I have mixed feeling about 50/50


The Magus
The Universe
The Emperor

Suit of Swords - 7, and 9
Suit of Wands - 3, 5, 6, 10
Suit of Disks - 4, 5, 6, 9