The Book of The Law Study Group 3.73


This is a very curious verse. The most common interpretation is that it refers to the actual sheets of the manuscript of Liber Legis. Supposedly if one lays out the sheets according the instructions in the verse (which could be interpreted in several ways) a hidden pattern will be revealed. I've seen several different attempts at this, but so far none seem to have revealed anything to me beyond the human mind's ability to see patterns. Some of the patterns have been interesting. But none of them has been a startling revelation.

And yet this is verse 218 which is the numerical value of BRIAH. That does suggest that there is indeed a pattern of some kind. But maybe it's not to be found in the individual (Yetziratic) words.
The final word of this verse is, behold, which is the meaning of the Hebrew letter Heh.

This is verse 73. This number is the value of GML, Gimel - Atu II The Priestess. According to tradition the Priestess has the scroll of the Torah in her lap. This gives us another possible link back to the manuscript of The Book of the Law - Sepher ha-Torah.
But this could also indicate the Tarot via the well known permutations of the letters T-O-R-A, T-A-R-O (A-T-O-R, O-R-A-T). The Tarot is identified as Nuit's book earlier in the The Book of the Law, and the individual cards may be one interpretation of the 'sheets'.

Crowley appears to have complied with the instructions in this verse when he received Liber Tav, which is a 7x3 layout of the Hebrew letters.

But Liber Arcanorum may also be indicated.

Eliphas Levi calls the Tora-Rota arrangement the Key of Thoth. This is interesting given that 73 is also the value of ChKMH, Ckokmah. But also the chapter and verse written as a single numeral is 373. This is the value of the Greek, LOGOS, the Word.


I've also tried to arrange the Thoth in the same pattern, but I didn't get much out of it, unless the verse refers to Liber Tau (which I see Aeon already mentioned), which is a very interesting arrangement. Besides, the verse doesn't give a lot of information on how to arrange the "sheets." If we go by the Priestess, theory, however, I find more to go on. If we (I) got a clue in the last verse that the old laws and Tree were defunct, maybe here is another hint that the illusion of order we hold dear does not exist and left, right, up, down are just meaningless constructs in a universe that has no center or circumference. In other words "mix everything up, arrange it all as you see fit, and no matter how you do it, you will still Heh (behold), you will achieve union with the holy tabernacle, the Priestess and beyond" Everything is a reflection of unity anyhow, and maybe "order" doesn't matter once you (especially at this late line in the Book) have overcome the "pit of Because."


Right to left and top to bottom also reminds me of the direction of hebrew (and other) writing. I could perhaps interpret this verse as a direction to study the text using qabbalistic techniques on that basis.


Does this passage from the introduction to The Book of Thoth suggest a link between verses 72 and 73?
Aleister Crowley said:
One important interpretation of Tarot is that it is a Notariqon of the Hebrew Torah, the Law; also of ThROA, the Gate. Now, by the Yetziratic attributions this word may be read The Universe - the new-born Sun - Zero. This is the true Magical Doctrine of Thelema: Zero equals Two. Also, by Gematria, the numerical value of ThROA is 671=61x11. Now 61 is AIN, Nothing or Zero; and 11 is the number of Magical Expansion; in this way also; ThROA announces that same dogma, the only satisfactory philosophical explanation of the Cosmos, it's origin, mode, and object.

Right hand - 11 - Double Wand of Power.
Left Hand - 61 - Nought.


The manuscript (sheets) arranged from right to left, top to bottom.


Happy hunting...

But is there a page missing?

Crowley's commentary on the title page:
Aleister Crowley said:
In the first edition this book is called L. L is the sacred letter in the Holy Twelve-fold Table which forms the triangle that stabilizes the universe. See Liber 418. L is the letter of Libra, Balance, and "Justice" in Tarot. This title should probably be Al, "El," as the "L" was heard of the voice of Aiwaz, not seen. Al is the true name of the Book, for these letters and their number, 31, form the Master Key to it's Mysteries.
"L" was heard of the voice of Aiwaz, not seen. Does this imply that the title page is actually part of the dictation? It could explain why Crowley felt the need to make strange explanatory comments to notes written earlier. Why not just throw it in the bin? Maybe the reason is because he could not throw away a piece of the actual dictation.

The pages of the manuscript total 65. This of course is the numerical value of ADNI, Adonai. But The Book of the Law is wider in scope. Add one more 'sheet' and we have 66 - The Mystic Number of the Qliphoth and the Great Work, being the sum of the numbers 1 to 11.
66 is also the mystic number of the 11th Path of Aleph.

I:60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us.

An interesting side effect of the additional 'sheet' is that manuscript is now divisible by 22.
66/22 = 3. Three sets of 22. Does this give us a link back to the Hebrew alphabet?