Colors in the RWS and Golden Dawn tarots (split from the Guidelines thread)


Colors in the RWS and Golden Dawn tarots (split from the Guidelines thread) duplicate

First off the rank is yours truly,guess why they called it the "golden dawn"????.Our take is the re-birth of hermetic lore and a re kindling of interest in non religious Majick,remember that those involved were not only intuitive but also clarivoyant.They knew in time religious dogma would not supply the answers to more demanding intelligent minds.They also knew that pictures plus colour is the key to quieting the mind and allowing intuition to surface. Words conjure thoughts, pictures conjure impressions,colours conjure feelings, Thinking is intelectual strangulation of intuition,(Heirophant,dogma)Thats why so much colour is in use in the RWS deck.Check out the worlds fashions,in pixies day black, white, and grays.....To quote, Leonard Jacobson's book,"Words from silence"......I think therefore I am not....I think not therefore I am..end quote.
Moderators.....just testing the waters for warmth and seeing where the elastic limits end ,,,,but wait theres more!


re-pete-a said:
Thats why so much colour is in use in the RWS deck.
Sorry, but I fail to see a connection between the limited colours used to illustrate the RWS deck and the Golden Dawn's qabalistic colour scheme. The Thoth is much closer in that respect.


ARON418...We know little of the thoth deck,or its colours,from what your saying they're beautiful.What we're refering to is the ability of colour to induce feelings,modern science knows this now ,psychologists now use this concept with pink ,blu,and green rooms,movie makers use dark undefined to induce fear in their movies.Colour +picture adds to perceptions,,,,,thats our point.....In pixies day there was heaps of colour around,but very little in use.perhaps due to technologys lack.
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re-pete-a said:
ARON418...We know little of the thoth deck,or its colours,
On the contrary the colour scheme used in the Thoth is drawn directly from the Golden Dawn tradition and it's specific use of colour. See Crowley's 777 where he tabulated the Golden Dawn colour correspondences.
The RWS does not use the Golden Dawn colour system at all.


We're getting all caught up in the head swirl of which is better,that was not the idea of colour ,its not a word game,nor is it a comparison game ,its a feeling game ,and if your feeling red ,or maybe blu,then we've achieved our point,even green would suffice.RWS or GD or Al C,way thats free choice.
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Hey Re-pete-a,

I'm not really following how that's a response to anything. We weren't getting caught up in anything, and we know plenty about the Thoth deck.

Aeon pointed out that the Thoth's colors are obsessively documented and chosen with scrupulous attention to detail; in fact the process was largely documented in correspondence between Harris & Crowley... Additionally, no one suggested anything was better. There was no value judgement. The Thoth uses the GD color scales. The Waite-Smith does not. I understand if you didn't realize that the documentation existed, but in fact Aeon wasn't offering an opinion, he was stating a fact.

This Hermetic subforum was created for exactly these kinds of discussions, which are not about "feelings" or "psychology" but the esoteric substructure that forms the architecture of the Golden Dawn decks.



In the guide lines set for this thread,dosn't it say we're not comparing decks,wasn't our comment on colour,not colours origin but effects of colour on the psyche,isn't colour the point here,isn't colour included in some of the basis of hermetic lore,isn't that lore the topic of discussion here,..our intention here isn't to be drawn into topics that don't stick to the guidelines set down, and be steered into tangents not hermetically relevant ....If we're wrong ,slap us down,we don't mind.......a small price to pay fore xpansion and foreward movement,,,,,an uncovering of keys is never a dull affair,one needs intestinal fortitude,if it means cutting away some of our ego so be it...Teach !!!!CUT!!!!

As an aside,no we didn't know there was an indepth discourse on colour available,seems we've nicked ourselves here,stand back,,this could get messy!!
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re-pete-a said:
In the guide lines set for this thread,dosn't it say we're not comparing decks,wasn't our comment on colour,not colours origin but effects of colour on the psyche,isn't colour the point here,isn't colour included in some of the basis of hermetic lore,isn't that lore the topic of discussion here
Yes, colour and the Golden Dawn's use of colour is the topic here. Unfortunately you gave the RWS as an example. The trouble is, although the RWS is a Golden Dawn deck (for the most part), it does not incorporate the Golden Dawn's highly specific colour scheme.

Take a look at these cards from The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick:
The Magus is a good example of Golden Dawn colouring. Looking in my trusty copy of 777, line 12, columns XV, XVI, XVII, & XVIII, I find the colours - Yellow, Purple, Grey, & Indigo, rayed violet. That's a pretty good match for that particular card. The corresponding RWS card has a yellow back ground (like many other cards in the deck) but the magician is wearing red and white.

The simple fact is that the colour palette used in the RWS just isn't wide enough to accommodate the Golden Dawn colour scheme. That's why the same limited colours appear again and again on nearly every card in the deck.


Scion said:
Aeon pointed out that the Thoth's colors are obsessively documented and chosen with scrupulous attention to detail; in fact the process was largely documented in correspondence between Harris & Crowley...

I just have to say that I second what Aeon and Scion said about the documentation on Thoth. There's a link on Crowley's page on the 'Hermetic' website that has the transcribed correspondence between Harris and Crowley. It's a good read (I haven't read them in a while but surely color is mentioned).


We must take a backstep here,we've just realized that this thread is linked to and through the THOTH TAROT section,as such we now see the connections and viewpoints through different eyes. and can understand your angle,we were on one line of thought and crossed yours via a cross road.We came in through the RWS window.Thank you for your tolerance.We had a look at the ganasha link,we couldn't read and understand that language, we do wish to know more of the meanings of colour,not necessarily the GD system.On another use of colour we've been able to pinpoint another's hidden motives by the use of the scheme of colour in the RWS.We've come to understand that there are other levels through this method,...Hence our interest in colour and its hermetic relevence,not the differences in systems and styles..that was our angle,apologies for the hot air outburst.