78 degrees


Just been reading Charles Williams' Tarot novel The Greater Trumps (1932). The Tarots are frequently referred to as "78 degrees of knowledge". I was wondering if this might be where Rachel Pollack picked up the expression, or if there might be a common source, or perhaps it's just coincidence?


Interesting question ...


I love that novel! (Nice to see some Williams fans out there! We can be a pretty lonely bunch!)

I've heard the expression "78 degrees of wisdom"; is it Pollack who used that for a title? I know someone did.


Morwenna said:
I've heard the expression "78 degrees of wisdom"; is it Pollack who used that for a title? I know someone did.
Yep, one of her foundation books on Tarot. She re-wrote and reissued it late in the nineties, and I think the later version is a much better book. Personal opinion only - your mileage may differ.