Tarocchi Delle Stelle English Instruction Booklet

Lord Adonia

I own the I Tarocchi Delle Stelle - La Porta Celeste by Giorgio M. Tavaglione. The problem I have is the instruction booklet which is thick is in Italian. Does any body have a link or the English translation in a digital file of this book?

I wanted to learn the symbolism that outlines the cards and caballistic meanings applied to these Cards.



Please note this deck was published by Dal Negro. I did send the publisher an e-mail inquiring.

Giorgio M. Tavaglione also did these decks which I own.




Lord Adonia

The publisher Dal Negro informed me that "Unfortunately there is not a translated booklet for this tarot." The booklet may be over 100 pages. Is there anybody who might have translated this book on their own?

It is ashame, the booklet has its own cabalistic and alchemical system which is unique when compared to western tarot decks.

Are there not any fans of Giorgio M. Tavaglione artwork and divination decks? Has the Tarocchi Delle Stelle - La Porta Celeste become passé because it is a seventies art style deck?


I haven't got the deck but if you email me the italian text I'll translate it for you.

Lord Adonia


Thanks for offering this, that was very kind. However, this may be a difficult task that I would not expect anybody to do unless it was easy. The booklet is very big bounded blue book when compared to the standard white booklet. The booklet is not numbered in terms of page count,it is nearly 180 pages. It would be like translating a book.

I could scan the booklet but this may take a very long time.The pdf scan may not be the best idea. I inquired to the publisher if they have an electronic booklet in Italian to possibly translate and will inquire to see if any other source has an electronic copy in Italian.

A website linked below reviews the deck and states "all the support materials are written in an archaic Italian dialect, very difficult to translate because it is loaded with magical and alchemical double entendres."

Also stated "Of Tavaglione's decks, these two represent his mature command of the European Esoteric astro-alphanumeric correspondences. As such, this Tarot is identical with Papus, Wirth, and Cagliostro -- all conforming with the scholarship of Eliphas Levi."

I have not given up yet, I will have to think of a way to get this translated. It may take years. In the meantime the booklet of the Tavaglione's Stairs of Gold Tarot fills in some of the missing pieces. It is a very condensed booklet version of his system for Tarocchi Delle Stelle. There are many missing pieces but I can read between the lines. The only bad thing about the booklet is the English fonts are horrible making reading difficult and the diagrams are blurry.

Here is the website where I got the quotes:

This sites give some interesting perspective on other decks such as the Ibis Tarot and El Gran Tarot Esoterico .

Here is the full review from the website:
"Tarot of the Stars

The Porta Celeste; I Tarocchi delle Stelle (or Tarot of the Stars) is a beautiful and esoterically rich pack, being the fourth awe-inspiring Tarot by Giorgio M. S. Tavaglione, a modern Italian one-man Tarot renaissance. All of his Tarot decks were published in the early 1970's. The Tarot of the Stars stands out among his others (the Stairs of Gold, Enoil Gavat, and the Sybiline) because it provides the mainstream Continental Tarots with an answer to the fully-illustrated packs of the English-model packs that so proliferate today.

The Tarot of the Stars has pictures on every card, a preference of many contemporary Tarot users. This pack also contains copious symbolism integrated into his designs, particularly the astronomical information illustrated above each image. The main difficulties with this Tarot are that it is out of print right now, and all the support materials are written in an archaic Italian dialect, very difficult to translate because it is loaded with magical and alchemical double entendres.

Tavaglione's Stairs of Gold Tarot fills in the missing pieces, providing a wonderful hand-lettered booklet in English (from which we have taken the descriptions of the individual cards in both decks) detailing a wealth of traditional correspondences including the Hebrew spelling and zodiacal degrees of the Shemhamemphoresh -- the 72 Angels of the Zodiac.

The art of the Tarot of the Stars is rightfully classed as “comic-book style”, and is sometimes extremely inventive to make its point. Witness the 6 of cups, wherein the protagonist is both male and female, both naked and dressed, both looking back and stepping forward across the stream of time simultaneously – symbolizing the linked-opposite meanings of “past” and “future” quite excellently. This deck makes more blatant magical and alchemical references than any of his others (in what looks like a nod to the Thoth Tarot), but it also ties the divinatory meanings even closer to the Continental tarot tradition.

Of Tavaglione's decks, these two represent his mature command of the European Esoteric astro-alphanumeric correspondences. As such, this Tarot is identical with Papus, Wirth, and Cagliostro -- all conforming with the scholarship of Eliphas Levi. Happily, all this tradition and scholarship is overlaid with the lush sensibility and intuitive insight of this unsung (in America) Tarot prodigy."


Lord Adonia said:
The booklet is very big bounded blue book when compared to the standard white booklet. The booklet is not numbered in terms of page count,it is nearly 180 pages. It would be like translating a book.

well, I won't do it in a week, let's say two pages per day. It will take 90 days but it's still better than nothing :D If you don't find a quicker way to do it I'm still offering my help.

Lord Adonia said:
A website linked below reviews the deck and states "all the support materials are written in an archaic Italian dialect, very difficult to translate because it is loaded with magical and alchemical double entendres."

archaic Italian dialect? we have many dialects but none is archaic, that would mean Latin! can you copy a few lines here to see what is this archaic dialect?



If you search the archives I made a quick English excerpt of the intro

but not being schooled in Italian, only a student of Dante translations, I could not move forward.

It is post #15 of the thread Tavaglione Stairs of Gold on 10 10 05, I believe...but we only want that one post and I have to be home to link...later tonight.

If no one else finds the link, I will try and someone can type a little of the old Italian, which may like trying to wade through old poetry of earlier centuries-the modern parallel might be the King James Bible
Emglish feels remote to many modern readers of English. It's meaning needs footnotes to some people such as myself.


I've read the other thread, it's seems really odd that a publisher would publish a book in a language that no one can read, not even native italians, and tavaglione is not that old! I'm really curious now :D , can someone post a few lines in this mysterious language for me please?


After a glance, perhaps not so mysterious

It's been several years and books later

Here's a small Italian excerpt:

I Tarocchi delle Stelle


In cui si ivestiga belli loro asspetio delle loro celate qualita con descriptione delle figure, simboli, ad loro legami con il planeti con le stelle

Tra le piu antiche immagine-peniero, la Spirale e una delle piu profonde e misterose. Nella Spirale vi e il concetto del Lairinto, con la sua entrata e la sua uscita. Nel Labirinto, con la sua entrata e la sua uscita. Nel Labirinto vi e l'idea/senso della Vita, del"evoluzione individual e di tutta la Societa Umna. Dalle inciscioni megalitiche dei Celti a quelle dell'Africa Nera, dalle decorazioni Mayaa e Azteche a quelle Indu, Deva e Asura, sino all doppia spirale Cinese dello Yin-Yang, la Spirale ha expresso ed esprime l'esensione, lEmanazione, la sviluppo nella continuita, ciclica in una Rotazion Creativa. Qesta meravigliosa immagine Cosmica e simbolo del E'quilibrio nello squlibrio dell Ordine all 'interno del Cambiamento, della Mutaione. Nella Spirale logritmica si ha la permanenza della forma nonsante la crescita assimetrica...

My rough translation of a few paragraphs of Stars:

La Porta Celeste: Tarot of the Stars

In the investigation of the aspects and the celestial quality of the description of figures, symbols and of planets and stars.

Between more ancient investigative thought the spiral is between profound and mysterous. The spiral that you and he think of is the labyrinth. It has both the entrance and exit. The labyrinth that you sense is direct with life, the individual evolution and all human society. The incisions of the megaliths of the Celtics, Africans, the decorations of Maya and Aztecs and from East India, Devas and Asura, the Chinese double spiral known as the yin-yang--the spiral expresses the primal range, the emanation, the development of the continuous cycle of the creative rotation. It is marvelous to imagine cosmic and symbol equilibrium in the line breaks, to arrange the internal change and mutation. The spiral logarithyms stays, formed notwithstanding, its assymetrical growth.

(my translation goes on...)
The spiral represents always rhythm repeatedly of life and the characteristic cycle of evolution, assurance of its permanent essence that fluctuate and changes as part of the center of expansion (the solvent of the Alchemist) and is the return to the center in condension (in coagulation), the movement possesses being in agreement with birth and death (per the East Indians - kapa and prayana) Come death, initiates rebirth and the diverse being, transformed, agreement comes in the journey of the soul after the death, otherwise the orderly life upset is to join in the center, return to unity, the eternal essence, the reintegration into the primary whole.



Description of majors.

Tavaglione's intro is mysterious, but the description of his majors are less so. The keywords one looks for in an "Etteilla-influenced" or Papus variation deck are actually here.

Tarot of the Bohemians online, starting from the description of the Magician:


I saw for the Magician description for the Tavaglione Stairs of Gold and Stella all the same keywords.

First Cause is an Etteilla keyword for it's card number one,

Adam, Osirius, Human, Man, Father...etc., Aleph, etc...Tavaglione includes Papus and Etteilla keywords in the descriptions for the majors.

Tavaglione's assignment of cards with astrology works with decanates, but I've not i compared them with Golden Dawn attributions.

If you had the Divinatory Tarot by Papus translated by Beryl Stockman, you'd have more information on Etteilla style card meanings that can help one also pick out recognizeable keywords in the Tavaglione Stella and Tavaglione Stairs of Gold.

Another good book to check out is the "Paul Christian" book of the Egyptian Tarots from Lo Scarabeo from Berti and Gonard; the description for the majors seem to include symbolism I would find referenced for the major arcana in the "Falconnier/Wegner" and the trumps in the Church of Light Egyptian style tarot. Some people who have a copy of the old Church of Light text describing the majors might find the keyword comparisons of the Kabbalah, alphabet, etc. similar to Tavaglione's word lists for the majors.

I am not in the mode to do much comparing or typing on Italian tarot texts, so just hoping these few notes would be helpful if you are trying to decipher or update your tarot information. The majors comparison with the free Tarot of Bohemians link and whatever you all come up with in terms of the minors is of interest--so will watch this thread.



I love my Tarocchi Delle Stelle. What I don't like about it is the slightly "off" decante system it uses.

I like Cerulean's suggestion to use "standard" Etteilla meanings only cross-referenced just a bit. This should be relatively easy as Palmer and sig are encoded on each card. There are also keywords provided on each card, as well. This would save us the hassle of referring back to a book during a reading as well.