Two of Wands and Puer


I'm not sure if this is the right place for this or not... my apologies if it's not. I recently had a vivid dream where I was running around a dock that was in the shape of the Geomantic figure, Puer. I know nothing about this except that it is the shape of the Two of Wands. I've found other threads in here about the 2ofW that just barely touched on it. I'm wondering if anyone has more knowledge about this Geomantic figure and how it relates to the energy of the 2 of Wands. Specifically I would also be interested in its relationship to water (as in the dream I was surrounded by beautiful water everywhere). Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


I'm wondering if anyone has more knowledge about this Geomantic figure and how it relates to the energy of the 2 of Wands.
Puer (Boy) is meant to symbolise a sword, or as some say an erect phallus. It's a symbol of masculine energy and drive that is related to the same astrological figures as the 2 of Wands - Mars & Aries.

Puer is generlly regarded as negative except in matters of War and Love.
Specifically I would also be interested in its relationship to water (as in the dream I was surrounded by beautiful water everywhere).
Water is the only passive element in the figure of Puer. As such there is a natural antagonism between it and the element of water, hence the figures relationship to War. But the same opposition is also implied in Love where the difference leads to union.


Puer is generlly regarded as negative except in matters of War and Love. Water is the only passive element in the figure of Puer. As such there is a natural antagonism between it and the element of water, hence the figures relationship to War. But the same opposition is also implied in Love where the difference leads to union.

This was very useful, thanks!