what cards are your LEAST favorite to see?


MercyMe said:
It makes so much sense that you are seeing these cards right now, though. 10's represent transition in tarot number symbolism. You've reached the end of one phase of your life, both emotionally and materially/physically, and yet your new life has yet to begin. You're in between the aimless fresh start of the Fool (0) and the focused beginning of the Magician (1). You haven't got an Ace yet, so you're still wrapping things up...letting things come to their own conclusion.

When I see the 10 of cups and the 10 of pents I see, "This is as good as it gets." If it's in a present rather than future position it tends to mean this is it, there really isn't any further you can go in this.

Not to say all of this doesn't hurt. As a veteran of two divorces, I can attest to and sympathize with the pain and loss. I just find it very interesting in a tarot student kind of way how these two cards are coming up a lot for you right now.



I've never really thought of the 10s in that way, but it really does make a great deal of sense to view them in such a manner. Numerologically speaking, it's just after the end of a cycle (9) and before the beginning of a new one (1). It's like that in between, recuperative time.

Thank you.


celticnoodle said:
I'm with Gavriela. I detest the Wheel of Fortune card. I don't know why, but I just don't like it, and when it comes up, I just can't seem to figure out how to read it. I don't even think it's a pretty card to look at. It's just an awful card! I'd almost much rather there was no picture at all, just the words "world of fortune"! ....
Gavriela said:
The reason I hate it is because I do know how to read it. Whenever it comes up, I know I'm going to get run over by it, in more ways than one. Top of the Wheel? Never happens for me. Under the Wheel? Yup. Always.
Isn't it weird the way some people view this card as a positive? For me, it just means "craps-shoot." And, the odds are pretty much sure to be stacked against. :( I also generally distrust the moon, as it has much of the same feel; not sure why. Possibly, because I tend to read both cards as "unable to answer that particular question at this time . . . " Both are scary in the same way that a 10-lane freeway with semi trucks on either side of one's little Toyota is scary heading up the bridge--unable to see beyond the crest--but okay once one finally reaches the vantage point, and can see some empty space ahead.

brenmck said:
Five of Pentacles (RWS).
Why am I being thrown out, and who is this person dragging me along?
Just a very puzzling, disturbing card.
I love, love, love the Five of Pents. --Not always pleased to see it come up in readings related to finance . . . but find it comforting on a fundamental level :heart: :heart: :heart:

I also distrust all the swords courts--well, except the Queen. Sometimes she can be okay. But the swordsmen are just mean.

Oh, and don't like Ace/Swords either. 5, 7, 9 & 10 are okay. :laugh:

Two of Pents is just annoying!


I don't dislike seeing any card, I want to see the Truth.. good or bad ,

always better to know , more information to understand and make decisions


Only 2 cards... It's not so much that I don't like them. I don't get them very often, but they intimidate me when they show up, and they usually confuse me.

The Hierophant.. because he reminds me of my grandfather. Very strict, and very regimented. Old school. I loved my grandfather, but we could never really relate, as I always thought of myself as a free spirit, even at a young age.

and The Chariot... because I like the randomness of life. I'd rather be surprised and see where life takes me. I've never been a planner, if my horses are running in two directions, I wish I could follow them both and see where they lead.


Cards I hate to see

I've been reading since . . . let me check my journal . . . 6/3/08, nearly four weeks now, boy, I thought less time had passed than that. And these are the cards I kinda cringe at when they come up.

The Devil: Because after doing some readings and saying "aww, it cant be THAT bad," what the cards predicted came and went and well, yes, it is that bad.

The Six of Cups: Because it just keeps coming up when I ask how he feels about me. Yes, I GET IT, he sees me as a person/situation from his past.

The King of Swords (Reversed): Because this is the significator for my friend, and when its reversed it means he is going to be an ass.

I also, for a while, got really tired of seeing the Knight of Swords come up. I think after drawing it fifty million times I understood that I may have been rushing into things.

If you can't already tell, I keep asking similar questions and get a lot of the same cards. I guess it's alright though. I'd rather have the cards be completely honest than try not to annoy me. I mean, that IS why I'm doing readings, isn't it? To try and see things as they really are?

Sometimes the truth is brutal . . .

Miss travel

cards I dont like too much

hi there,

personally, I don't like the Emperor : I even call him the Pompous one ( I nicknamed him Karl), I have to learn how to make friends with him, and see what he can bring me. All I know is I have to be more structured when it comes to administrative papers and such, get organized and he seems to be a reminder of my flaws regarding those topics.

Troubles I get in readings are also with the 5 and the 7 of swords.
7 of swords showed recently as the outcome for the future with my finances, and it doesn't look that positive right ?

Don't even get me started on the combination of the Emperor and the King of swords especially reversed : they seem to be only happy snapping hurtful comments at others.

Same for the Queen of swords, reversed that is. Always whining about. Seeing the glass empty rather than full. I like her upright though.

9 of swords is a reminder of my back and neck problems, due to stress : how accurate huh !

10 of swords is also a harsh card at times. But as it is a 10, I always try to remember that at least, this is the sign of the end of a cycle, so something new can take place.

Ending on a happier mode, I used to really not like The fool when I first got my tarot de Marseilles years ago : I saw him as a penniless beggar, foolish and all of that ... working now with other decks, I see him as a free spirit who's sharing his love of life with me.



Hmm . . . there's really only three cards I dislike seeing-

The Tower: Because this means something in MY perceptions is wrong and I absolutely hate that. Especially since the only hint for WHAT is going to crash is the question posed to the cards. But then again, if they told me what was wrong, I wouldn't believe them.

Nine or Ten of Swords: Because they always turn up in relation to readings on my long-time crush, and this worries me and drives me crazy.


9 swords. I have not owned a deck that does not depict this to be anything but nightmares and guilt and self disgust.

fives are generally stressful.

...I actually don't mind The Tower. Whenever I see it, I usually already feel the energy of it... I've had a lot of uprooting change in recent years!


The Tower: This always seems to be something catastrophic.
The Wheel of Fortune: Generally means sudden, unwelcome change.
Death: Always indicates an ending, never a transformation.
The Lovers: Enough already! Stop rubbing it in! (bad memories)
Pentacles: Boring!
Oddly enough, I have adapted to the Swords so they don't freak me out anymore.


I also hate the courts when it's not a court that I know pertains to the person or me. I'm like, is this someone? Or is it something else?
5 of Swords! I hate getting that one, I find it hard to read, is it me/the person getting screwed over or the other way? :\
6 of pents I don't like seeing very much, it can confuse me
7 of Swords for some reason aggravates me too
Hanged Man- I don't know if he is giving up or giving in!
5 of pents- does the person in front really want the person behind them? will they make it?
Lovers- romance or choice?
Wheel....what is going on?!
Magician- Do I have it all? Or is someone manipulating me?
oh the 4 of cups - are you ignoring that cup? Are you thinking about what that cup represents?
8 of swords- head wrapped completely around it or can't get it off?
Hierophant I just find hard to read in general
Death- is it a forever ending? Or phase ending? Is there another beginning?
7 of cups as feelings, are you confused? Or is it dreamy like?
lol that's my rant :D