What are you awaiting in the mail?

Bat Chicken

My Crystal Tarots arrived so fast! Thanks TG!:D


I can't hear you, la-luna! I'm enjoying my Flowers of Life too much right now!

My bags from Tarot Totes have shipped. Am also waiting for a number of decks, the RWS book from the Association of Tarot Studies (that was preordered) and for the Sheridan to arrive at Tarot Garden so I can order that one too :)

Edited to add: and will be waiting for the smaller-sized Animal Tarot on Monday too! A deck I thought would NEVER leave my wishlist! Thanks, Hedera!


I heard la-luna and have enquired....

But do you mean Paula Gibby's Animal ?


Yup yup!!! :D

And got some nice mail today for good measure. My Swietlistej Drogi and Archetypowy from Tarot Garden (fastest order to get through Customs yet!), the Happy Tarot or Little Prince of Astrology Tarot from yesasia.com (curiously, it shipped from Mississauga - I like it!), and my Deva from Catlin!!!! With some lovely bags (that will complement some of my Asian decks just beautifully) and a beautiful crystal. Thank you ((((Catlin))))


A couple of weeks ago I got my Tarocchino Milanese, my first ever deck from Alida. The cards are a bit stiff, so I've been shuffling them in my free time to limber them up. The Milanese has replaced my Spanish Tarot as the Ugliest Deck in the House.

Also, on a trip to Chicago earlier this week, I picked up the USG Papus Tarot for $15. There's more explicit occultism on the cards than I really use. But it's fun to have the cards that illustrated the French editions of Papus' books when they were new.


I received my Gauguin Tarot yesterday. That is one less to wait for :)


I'm waiting for five miniature decks; Soprafino, Marsigliesi, Musica,
Ligure-Piemontese/Solleone, and Ligure-Piemontese/Meneghello


Celtic Shaman's Pack (thanks to the heads-up from Bean Feasa)
Tarot of the Four Elements ~ you know how it is when you are browsing abebooks, you always find something at a price you can't resist :D and the cheerful colourful artwork may be just what I need right now !


My Vacchetta arrived from Alida -- just beautiful. The cards seem a little fragile, since there doesn't seem to be a coating. Can anyone tell me how they hold up?


The Ferret arrived! I'm going through it and giggling as we speak!