Etruscan tarot: 8 of wands


Description in the booklet: The diver.

This is one of the more graceful cards of the Etruscan deck and the most terse in description - the diver. The artwork is lifted from one of the tombs called the Tomb of the Diver which was one of a few Greek wall paintings that survived, is the Tomb of the Diver, 475 BC in Paestum Italy, from a necropolis (city of the dead) of Poseidonia. The artwork was found inside of the lid of the tomb, which showed a man diving into the water from a tall structure.

There were two representations thought of -- The diving into the world of the dead (into the Okeanos) while another interpretation is that the columns represent the Pillars of Hercules as a symbol of the end of the world maybe a symbol of the end of life.

Unlike other decks which show purely 8 wands flying or up the air, the Etruscan 8 of Wands has a diver - plunging down together with the wands -- almost like taking the plunge of faith. If the Fool in the major arcana dances at the beginning of life, the diver plunges into the unknown, naked, vulnerable, arms and head first.

As our diver plunges down, what would he have been thinking? What made the diver decide to leap? Although he is labeled as a diver, we don't see any water around ... all we see is he in sync with the winds flying downward in the same direction.

There are many possible interpretations to this card:

It would indicate risks and taking a leap of faith to dive onto the unknown and hope that we land on soft water and would be able to swim afloat and ride through the waves of life.

It could also indicate a pure exercise of feeling free - as in flight, letting nature take its course, confident in the fact that we will land in the right direction.

It could be escaping from something by jumping downward through the wind, anything that would take us away from the present so that we could land into hopefully a better future.

It may also indicate that we are searching for something under the water which is why we are willing to dive -- dive deep into our emotional and unconscious self in the hope that we can find whatever it is we are looking for in life.

Or it may simply tell us to pause for awhile, be playful, take a refreshing plunge, and who knows, we may find a few answers to unresolved issues, solutions to unfinished business, or simply just have unexpected fun in the process.


Could be a daredevil, could be a fool. For sure, the man have courage and is not afraid to dive with the wands around him. Going with the flow and moving ahead.