Etruscan tarot: Ace of swords


Description in the booklet: A Mask of Wild Fate

It is quite hard to determine the source of the artwork for the Etruscan Ace of Swords ... but judging by the description, it appears to be lifted from the Etruscan marble statue of the god Pan from the Archeological Museum of Athens (source:

In Greek mythology, Pan was the God of the wild, of nature, shepherds, flocks and mountain wild. Perhaps, this may be the reason for the description - A Mask of Wild Fate.

His story is quite interesting since he seems to be in the habit of tempting nymphs and beautiful maidens in the forest who would often run away from him. One may look him up in wikipedia.

On the details of the card itself, the mask shows a face of a black man with pointed ears. He has a beard of blue, white and black and the color of black may spell a sense of pessimism and negative energies.

Interestingly enough, the suit of swords usually speak of the mind or being logical and rational (at least in some decks) and yet, in the Etruscan Ace of Swords, wild fate is the characteristic attribute of the card.

Sometimes, the over-using of the critical mind may also cause too much skepticism, negativism and doubt. While the chalices call for the heart and emotions, and the wands ring of passion and energy, in comes the sword with all possible warnings created in the mind.

Hence, when we draw the Ace of Swords of the Etruscan, would it mean bad omens? The sword stands upright and straight at the card's center but behind the mask with both the handle and tip showing. It is almost the sword has struck the top of our head and penetrated right through our brain and this may signal the need to think through more logically of new things.

The ace of swords may suggest focus and concentration, and while Wild Fate comes in, it is almost as if we are conscious that although destiny and fate may take a hand in our lives, we can hold the sword by its handle or by its blade -- point it towards us or point it away from us -- this is our choice. It may mean we should start thinking of "cutting-edge" ideas, new ways of looking at things, new ways of thinking ... create paradigm shifts that can lead to breakthroughs in our life.

The paradigm shift is tempting Wild Fate - starting something different and new is the way to a new life, but only after we change our paradigm and mindsets.