Zombie tarot - No. 14 Temperance


Well, we have shots for pretty much everything under the sun, so why not one to ward off zombies? Just hope it doesn't come with a few days of mild zombie like symptoms. The flu jab is just about bearable, but your partner may have to move out for a few days if get some strange cravings never encountered before. They would be mild of course but they may not see it the same way. Especially if you had been a life-long vegetarian up to that point. So, get the balance right and you too could impervious to their attention. Get it wrong, and you will find yourself dancing to Michal Jackson's Thriller - even if it isn't actually playing at the time. I wonder if it would work on a zombie though? Would it be possible to temper their habits and urges? Maybe, but what are the odds you would be able to find a suitable vein to administer the shots? Probably about the same as the chances of being able to juggle with soot. No, I think if preventative action is taken, there is no need to then scrabble around to find a cure. Get the balance right of timing, make-up of the serum, and chosen subject? You will have yourself a winner. The time to do a dance of confidence is not there yet. Someone has to get the zombie blood for the serum. Any takers?


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