how many lenormand readers are getting accurate readings?


Never-mind, I stumbled across her name! Thanks.


Sylvie Steinbach’s method is basically a streamlined approach to the old tableau methodology.

The tableau (all card spread) was a popular way of laying out playing cards in the 19th century. The petit Lenormand is a playing card set. The cards are dealing in rows of six or eight, you found the card that corresponded to your client (normally by hair and age), and would read the touching cards (called attendant) and then count from that card. If you wanted to know about love you went to the knave of hearts and did the same, ace of diamonds for good luck et cetera. Then you read the first and thirty-second, second and thirty-two (pairings).

In the no-layout you are simply dealing cards till your find the one relating to a question, and then you read the touching cards. It will give very basic outlines of an answer, the same as a tableau does, to specific questions.

Accuracy with the petit Lenormand relies on consistency. You should choose a meaning list, and remain with that one. There’s not an awful lot of difference, one meaning list to the other. It’ll expand in real time based on your own usage: that’s progressed meanings, no different to having the Letter now for facsimiles, greeting cards, and so on. It moves in time with the reader and their ability to combine their cards into accurate statements.

No “school” is better than another. To be frank, there is really no such thing: it’s a term coined by Anglo-marketing. There are really just two basic methods: distance and combination. The latter is more dominant, the former is more popular in France where it is a primary and often standalone. All the others (Spanish, Russian, and Dutch) are just variants of those two methods in different degrees.

I’ve worked with the set 20 years, and it’s accurate. It’s no easier or harder than tarot (that again is a set of playing cards). As long as you’re patient, and consistent, and remember the context of what you’re reading (i.e. in a love reading the Bear can be a possessive older woman, in a work reading you’re in good solid ground/a team leader, in money it’s around a thousand pound +, it’s keywords are: power, strength and maternal and all those come from those simply definitions) you should be accurate.


I am really only a beginner with Lenormand. But been using 3 cards for a weekly reading each week for about 6 months. I have found it tells me some exact event that will happen each week or maybe the most important thing that will happen that week. Where as tarot might tell me very complex themes over the week. Lenormand is much more literal and in some ways it is more accurate than other decks.

The combinations of the cards are the most important!
I have had more success with those weekly readings than bigger spreads with it. But I am still learning and practising :)

autumn star

I get really accurate readings with the Lenormand, though it sometimes manifests in surprising ways.

I find this too, that the lenromand is very accurate and that it can manifest in ways that you don't expect. I probably find my lenormand the most accurate of all my different types of divination. It can take quite a while to get used to reading with it though. I have probably had my deck for over a year and I still sometimes get stuck with my readings.


Hello DownwardSpiral. What is the Sylvie method, or where do you find it? Thanks.

I'm so sorry for not responding sooner....I'm just now seeing this. Thanks andybc for your explanation.

I'm not really familiar with the other methods but I think the biggest difference with Sylvie's method is simplicity. Asking a question and reading 5 cards versus a three by three square (where I'm assuming all the cards are read in relation to each other) or doing the Grand Tableau where all the cards are read.

With Sylvie's method....card 1 - card 2 - charged card 3 - card 4 - card 5......card 2 and card 4 have the most influence. Card 1 and 2 are read together......card 4 and 5 are read together. This is a very simplified way of explaining her method without going in detail when I say cards 1/2 -4/5 are read together. (I don't want to misrepresent her method here)

My opinion here....I think the problem with accuracy depends on the method/question used. I'm NOT saying one method is better than another. Something I've noticed is that when people simply throw down 3 to 5 cards and either don't ask a question or ask a very general question....that's when the interpretation of the cards and the accuracy go out the window. As andybc pointed out with the bear card....the cards meaning depends on the question. So if there's no question and a card such as the bear pops up the interpretation can be off...and if the interpretation is off how can the reading be accurate?


...the cards meaning depends on the question. So if there's no question and a card such as the bear pops up the interpretation can be off...and if the interpretation is off how can the reading be accurate?

Amen! And ditto DownUnderNZer's no Yes/No questions. I'm a Lennie noob (this year) but learning these two things has made all the difference. :)