Looking forward to the WILD Kuan Yin Oracle!

Dark Victory '39

A more recent example

As maybe you can tell, i've been using this deck for quite a bit more than just new and full moon readings. A recent example about how i use it, has roots in that i look for verification in the 'oracle' wording that kuan yin understands what i've asked about. Then where i most often feel validated and usually answered in a very direct way mostly comes down to a couple of v. specific sentences. (Even though Fairchild writes on average 6 pages/card.)

I'll give a concrete fresh example. I've gotten myself into a sit. where i've now told white lies to several people. It's pretty much icing on the cake that i chose to do this on top of much messier and more difficult situations. No surprise-- it's made me feel more stress when i already am recuperating from a couple of bad blows in other life areas. But i'm on a slow-learning path. I told the lies because i thought they would make me feel good. It also started because i felt threatened by the initial questions that involved a close friend (and then later, a family member) asking about my personal life in a way that i didn't feel comfortable answering. I should have just said i don't feel comfortable answering. But i knew they wanted good things for me, and i wanted good things for me so i lied to make us all feel better. And at the time it was wishful thinking on my part. I thought the lie could become the truth and what would happen, it just hadn't happened yet.

The time has now come where the timeframe of what i lied about should have proven itself. So i asked the oracle how i should deal w/ this situation. I'm prepared to come clean, but i'm v. fixated on timing. I know there's a good time and a bad time to tell people things. We all respond different on different days, and i want to catch these people on days when they wont feel bad for me. I dont want pity. Thats my biggest fear.

A one card reading. The card received: Be led by the path before you. [Our kuan yin is scattering petals before her flying yak.]

1. where i found my root validation that she heard my question correctly: "those around you may urge you (or you may urge yourself) to reconsider your choices. They may criticize you for being unrealistic, and urge you to put 'reasonable' time limits on how long you continue until there's a sign of success." Yes! If i had told them the truth i was v. much afraid this type of thing would have been their response.

2.the gem or nugget where i got the most direction: "Your life situation each day is like a breadcrumb dropped by the Divine, guiding you towards your destiny. You get to choose how you respond to that breadcrumb-- happily gobble it up and continue on your way, or venture off the path, perhaps in anxiety or doubt. But those bread crumbs will be dropped for you daily either way. you just need to trust in your own life experiences, trust in the loving genius of life, and keep traveling on the path before you. You are the path. It is an expression of your own being unfolding." ....Yes, my own complicated being unfolding. (eye roll.) Very helpful though. To me it says, drop the 'should i tell so and so about my little lies this week, or next week, or on tuesday.' Im adding a huge amount of punishment because im so fixated on getting the time right. The time for me to come clean, will appear.

3. Nugget two, several pages later, "This oracle comes w/ further guidance. Do not make things more complicated than they need to be. Do not rush in out of fear or panic to try and sort out an issue. Be patient and allow it to unfold. The universe knows what you are in need of and the Divine mother is with you always, giving birth through you."

4. The Healing Process for this was helpful: "say the following prayer, aloud if possible: i call upon the blessing of kuan yin who loves me w/out condition. bless my life path. help me take the steps i need w/ perfect timing and perfect trust. All i need is brought into my life exactly when i need it. i need not search. I simply need to take one step at a time and live from my heart. i ask for you to help me have confidence and trust to do this. And to watch over my path, intervene if need be and guide me according to divine grace. I receive your blessings w/ gratitude. Thank you! Through my own free will, [and then i do a harming none, so mote it be kind of thing.]

Anyways it was good. I cried afterwards. always keeping kleenex by the wild kuan yin.


This is a beautiful reading, DV. Thank you for sharing with us.


Mine's just been dispatched!

Dark Victory '39

Great Celtictarot! I hope you'll post how it reads for you.

Dark Victory '39

This is a beautiful reading, DV. Thank you for sharing with us.

Thanks! I will say, some of what i enjoy about this deck is it's v. brainless for me to use. As long as i can take the time to read the pages carefully, the golden pieces meant for me are sure to stand out. My tarot reading style is a picture book story reading style and i have to be quick on my feet so to speak to bypass logic and just run w/ it. Here i go slow. Theres no real reading of the pictures for me-- i like the art alot, (have not wanted to look at the real paintings in case i'm disappointed.) But w/out any knowledge of them i find the deck stunning. I like all the stop-lights in several of the cards, train track lights i think they are? Maybe details like that cd come more into the reading, but seeing as these days i have to go to bed at 8 at night like a toddler, i have to honestly say i do more w/ the companion book than the card image.

Wd love to hear other people's reading styles as i plan to work w/ this deck in healthier times as well as the sick. Fairchild quite often will say if such and such a card comes up next to another specific card she has a particular highlight for that combo, but i have not progressed to using multiple cards or anything close to a spread really. All of the cards seem to fall into the general two categories of 'it's a good time to move forward w/ a specific area of life. or it's a good time to reign-in and cull or cutback.' very much like a waxing/ waning moon style.


How are the healing exercises in the guidebook for the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle?

I really enjoy the verbal incantations and prayers at the end of each card description in Alana Fairchild's previous Kuan Yin Oracle, but especially in her Isis Oracle... Whereas the exercises in the more recent Sacred Rebels oracle were more varied from card to card (by that I mean that not ever card had something you could say out loud at the end). I'm wondering how the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle compares since it's also a more recent deck of hers... But my question is basically about whether the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle has a prayer/incantation at the end of each card, or is it only for certain cards?

Any other thoughts on the deck/guidebook would be appreciated. :heart: