Which Knight do you find most attractive?

swimming in tarot

Gee, I didn't know that the Knight of Pentacles scored so well with everyone else, as well. I like him because he's no-drama, he does what he says he will, and is still there when everyone else has gone haring off after some passing distraction. Maybe more substance than style, but over the years, I've developed a low tolerance for BS.

I'm neutral about the Knight of Wands, and cautious about the Knight of Swords, but the Knight of Cups loses my affections, by trying too hard.


Please come back & comment, Mary!

My favourite for attractiveness would be the Knight of Swords. Intelligent, sparkling with wit & humour, keen, articulate ... immature, yes, but eager to learn and will scrub up well when older.
I can be wooed & won with words, ideas, intellect, mental explorations ... & love being talked to, argued with & listening to lectures from a fount of knowledge - be it poetic, lyrical, spiritual or scientific (preferably all.) :heart:

My 2nd-favourite is the Knight of Cups, for his emotional & psychological literacy & expressiveness and yes, even his moods. (Flattened affect & schizoid, stiff-upper-lip types never appeal to me.) I love his femininity too - slightly androgynous & romantic & understanding. :)

The Knight of Wands is too arrogant, demanding, showy & shallow for me - a flibberty-gibbet. Veni vedi vici ... then gone! :(

The Knight of Pents is lovely - but reminds me too much of my Virgo bf, so a bit too judgemental, controlling, organised & un-spontaneous. But a good bet for the long haul.
A bit slow, unimaginative & literalist (too straight-forward & devoid of wit, puns & fun) but kind, reliable & good. :)


Please come back & comment, Mary!
I've been reading everything everyone has to say. Great perspectives.

Over the years my own thoughts have changed quite a bit.

I tend to be drawn to the intellect and quick wit of the Knight of Swords but he can sometimes be cold and thoughtless.

The Knight of Wands is most intriguing and a bit dangerous. I can rarely keep up with him, nor can I count on him being there for me. His real focus tends to be elsewhere.

The Knight of Pentacles is really solid, but I don't often get his values, nor do I do well with his inflexibility. He can be too focused on me.

The Knight of Cups is the most difficult for me as he seems wishy-washy and has a sentimentality that I don't naturally trust. He's least likely to be honest with himself and can be very manipulative to get what he wants.

I haven't met anyone who is just one of these types as differing circumstances will bring out certain characteristics.


Number one for me is:

Knight of Swords: smart, witty, sarcastic, funny, quick minded, open minded, sexy, no-drama

And second:

Knight of Pentacles: down-to-earth, stable, practical, reliable, no-drama

Knight I don't like:

Knight of Cups: non-asservative, overly emotional, dramatic, not facing reality as it is (and you cannot tell them about it because they claim they're too sensitive, even though they have no sensitivity towards anyone else - the "no one has suffered as much as me" line when the world is filled with people in worst situations, just wake up and man up!), manipulative

As for Knight of Wands, I like them as friends, they have a lot of energy and they inspire me to do things I'd never do otherwise, but seeing them once in a while is good enough for me, too much is exhausting.


This thread has been fun to read. :)

I tend to like the Knight of Swords because he is verbal, witty, analytical, super fun to debate, curious, savvy, scientific, and knowledgable. The downside is that he's often so mental that there's a little bit lacking on the gritty passionate side of things. (And he's the most likely to smirk at my esoteric interests. :cool3: ) Worst case scenario is that he's kind of cold or detached.

I'm often physically attracted to the Knight of Pentacles because of his earthy manliness and sensuality and stereotypically masculine skills (tools, fixing, building), but the important downside is that we usually don't have anything to talk about and this guy's eyes glaze over when I naturally start picking things apart as I ponder them.

The Knight of Wands is fun and charismatic, but not very reliable in my experience, because he's mostly out for himself and for a good time. But the whirlwind and heat can be enjoyable nonetheless.

I was drawn to the Knight of Cups much more when I was very young because I think I was less intimidated by him than the others. Now I find him wishy-washy, mopey, or too soft for my taste.


Do you mean attractive like, first impression stuff? Because growing older lets you discover and understand more about yourself, and makes you realize that what may be initially attractive does not necessarily mean the best suited for you.

i like the practicality in Pentacles. Cups would be romantic yes but not too responsible or practical. Wands seems fun and adventurous but may end up unfaithful. Swords, yes, too domineering, impractical (in a different sense), and a bit too "dry".


I'm another one voting for the Knight of Pents as my fave Knight.

I dated a Knight of Wands a few years back. He was lots of fun until he burned me out with his great big ego and vicissitudes. Passion, yes. "Mr ME" definitely. Thought he was "King of all that" and I discovered that he was too interested in being a "ladies man" and not interested enough in being THIS lady's man. That put my fire right out, and I made sure that favour was returned.

My first boyfriend was a distinct Knight of Cups. He was sweet, deeply loving and one of the most dear men I have ever known. Too bad I was so young. I didn't want to settle down the way he did, and I didn't realise that would shatter him and break his heart the way it did. I couldn't take the emotional aftermath. It was too much for me. He married the very next girl he dated. She got a sweetie.

Knight of Swords can be fun, but I'd have to say out of all of them he's last on my list. Sometimes a bit cold and cutting, but then again, I'm a Queen of Swords type. The problem with that is when the knives come out, I'll make sure I win and this guarantees a bloody battle, with the relationship coming out the loser, in shreds. It's always a constant struggle for me with a Knight of Swords. They seem to think they are the boss. Ha!

The Knight of Pents is a nice, down to earth kinda guy who doesn't put on airs, and isn't afraid of hard work. Sometimes too quiet, sometimes stubborn, but I can deal with things like that because his stability is so wonderful, and as somebody else mentioned up thread, he's a guy you can count on to be there.


Easy one! I'm most attracted to the Knight of Swords, because he represents my significant other -- over and over, for many years, when I do readings about my S.O., the Knight of Swords turns up to represent him.

To me, the Knight of Swords represents someone with a sharp, active mind; someone with the ability to assess a situation and get things done. Someone with great mental acuity.

I'm least attracted to the Knight of Pentacles. What a bore! He's just . . . sitting there like a lump on the back of his horse.

Now, the Knight of Cups looks like an ardent lover and no doubt the Knight of Wands could be a fun ride (read into that what you may). But the Knight of Swords has my heart :cool3:.