One card to describe your reading style

Girl Archer

I am going to go with the Sun here. My reading style is fairly light and I keep it focused on the bright side of things, the unfortunate side to it is that sometimes I am a little too optimistic and don't always see things as they, hoping it will all work itself out in a sort of romantic naivete. But I still hide nothing and shine as much clarity on the issues and solution, as I can.


I'm with Barleywine on this one.

The Hermit speaks to me. Atop the mountain, finding my way along the path. I'm also a Virgo, so...


I'll go with the Eight of Pentacles.

I've been reading for (I'm guessing) six weeks now so I'm still in the apprentice/learning stage. I've been studying and I use my intuition and book smarts, but reading isn't effortless and I'm working to improve and hone my skills, so I do still consult sources after my initial impressions. Like the craftsman and the work at his forge, I'm often going back to my spread and looking at it a second and third time to see if I pick up on things I might have missed when I first read it.


king of swords although I like the way EyeamEye described his style with the justice because i read the same way.

I choose king of swords because I try to deliver the truth even if it's "cold and hard". I give the reading as I see it in the cards and move on (sometimes I add in intuition). Since I would rather be told the truth than made to feel good with fabrications I give others the same benefit...

Then again, I wonder what card members at AT would identify as my style of reading. :D

Michael Sternbach

The Thoth 6 of Swords or "Science". As my style is to intuitively and holistically blend the information from the cards (the deductive method) while still seeing them individually as well (the inductive method). I got the idea of the two methods from a book by Papus, although he doesn't connect them to reading Tarot.

Moreover, "Science" belongs to Mercury in Aquarius, which reflects the exact Mercury/Uranus square in my natal chart.

Miss Woo

I would have to say a Tarot de Marseille Empress because I'm creative and free, and I trust my gut feeling.


The Emperor. First, I am an Aries Sun sign, so can identify with the card. But also: I am a fairly traditional reader, I am protective of my querents, I can be guarded and tend towards the thoughtful approach. I use 'allies', as an Emperor would, usually but not always the I Ching to supplement my readings. I try to see the big picture and don't generally get too far into details.


I like what Girl Archer said about the Sun. But I'm probably more like a Queen, either the Cups or Pentacles. Like Cups, I'm tender-hearted, but like Pents I'm likely to tell the querent that a difficult card can be ameliorated if he or she pays attention to this or that area already discussed (pointing out cards). Tender and practical at the same time. And hopeful. :)


Wheel of Fortune. I just roll with it; each reading is different. :)