Which Knight do you find most attractive?


Which Knight are you most attracted to? And why? sexy, romantic, thoughtful, dashing?

Which Knight are you least attracted to? Why?


Interesting question...

Is it okay to create a blend?

Most attractive would be a tie between Knight of Cups and Knight of Wands. A romantic, sensitive, go-getter! Certainly very dashing and charismatic.

Least attractive would probably be the Knight of Swords. All I can think of is a domineering, rigid personality. I tend to associate this card with my ex.


Okay, least attracted to is the easier question to answer here - Cups for sure. That overly romantic stuff really does nothing for me. Candlelit dinners, romantic movies, flowers 'just because' - blech! No thanks :) There's also no way I could put up with the mood swings. I get enough of that from the toddlers at work.

Most attracted to is a bit tougher. I'm very much like the Knight of Swords (I place myself strongly in the Swords suit, but waver between the Knight and Queen). I tend to really like people like this but we can clash pretty badly. My best friend is also a Knight of Swords. We get along wonderfully about 60% of the time - the other 40% involve very heated fights! It's an interesting dynamic...

I like to be around the Knight of Wands for a short while, but find them exhausting. They're the kind of people I'd like as casual friends, someone I'd hang out with a few times a year. More than that would overwhelm me!

The Knight of Pents is probably who I'd most enjoy, but I don't really have anyone like that. I generally wish my friends/partners were more reliable and prepared - those are traits I really admire and respect in others. I could make all the plans, (s)he could carry them out - I see this relationship working well!

Overall, I think I'm most attracted to the Knight of Swords but wish I was more attracted to the Pents. Wands would come 3rd and Cups a distant 4th.

Sorry if that was a bit long-winded, I didn't realize I had so much to say about these people!


Permission to share my opinions in here

I really like Knight of Swords, i think he just got any topic we can talk to when we are together, i think he sometimes judge us secretly (if we are not that close to friendship yet or by just first meeting-impressions, but he is a nice guy and handsome too LOL)

But what makes me attractive is Knight of Pentacles, you know, slow but SURE, everything is solid as a ground, just like his elemental energy for pentacles: earth. Down to earth-person


Knight of Wands are pretty darn attractive to me but they are the ones you don't want to get attached to because they are too fast and furious.

Least attractive are Knight of Swords. These guys tend to be mouthy and sarcastic.

Knight of Pentacles were always my best friends..

I always thought Knight of Cups were full of sh*t.


This is tough, because I like the passion of the Knight of Wands, the romance of the Knight of Cups, and the reliability of the Knight of Pentacles.

For me, I think I would have to say the Knight of Swords. Most descriptions of him make me a bit intimidated, but I get this court card so often I'm a bit attached. Something about this knight is drawn to my energy or something.

I don't get the Knight of Wands much, but I get a feeling I'd clash with his fiery energy. Knight of Pentacles is a fantastic friend, but I can't see myself with him. Knight of Cups isn't really attractive, but he can be charming.

My boyfriend is the Knight of Cups. He isn't really the best definition of what I'm attracted to the most, though sometimes his words do sting a bit like the Knight of Swords.

The Knight of Swords is what I define as a truth-seeker. He tells it like it is and I am attracted to that more often than not.


As a hetero male I'll have to excuse myself from "attractive." Can I substitute "inspiring" instead? ;)


As a hetero male I'll have to excuse myself from "attractive." Can I substitute "inspiring" instead? ;)

Barlyewine just turn your Knights into females.

Now - hmm - interesting because when I look at the courts from some of my favourite decks - the Knight that is most pleasing to my eye every-time, is the Knight of Swords.

However, thinking about qualities or personality.
I guess I'd be most attracted to a Knight of Pentacles who would be a down-to-earth, hardworking, nature-loving health advocate. And the one I'd like the least would be the Knight of Cups - all that gushing, sogginess and non-assertion. Or he could be a ladies man. No thanks! :joke:


As a hetero male I'll have to excuse myself from "attractive." Can I substitute "inspiring" instead? ;)

As a gay male I think the Knight of Pentacles is DAMN attractive! I always find the Knight of Cups too effeminate, Knight of Swords too egotistical, and the Knight of Wands ... odd.