The Bathtub Spread


Mojo's layout looks great to me. We could go crazy being accurate about plumbing structure, items used (no washcloth, no bathmat, no nailbrush yet), and how precisely the order of positions best fits the tub shape. (Having the drain halfway up the side is rather strange, but in my tub, the overflow drain is there, so it IS feasible.)

I'm all for the most practical combination of factors. I say keep the design focused on a balance between key points of the positions and imagery that makes sense. (See thread on spread design--discussion last week, I think).

And as always, any user should modify the spread to fit a specific need. If you want it to be a long leisurely bath with bubbles, a backscratcher, and handmaidens with champagne and grapes (beer and pizza?), go for it.

If the bath is a 5 min. quick reading for maximum efficiency (a shallow tubfill for water saving and quick washing), then the spread won't have bubbles or the ducky.

You know my philosophy--modify the tool to fit your needs and style.

Wisp Wings

This spread seems like a done deal now and all is squeaky clean. Lol, had to say that! Now to write it all down and put it to use. Does everyone feel like we've had a group bath together? LOL.


The AT bathhouse? Hmmm


Imagemaker said:
The AT bathhouse? Hmmm

I just found this spread thanks to someone's posting it in another post. What a fabulous idea!

I agree that the drain needs to go at the bottom. ;-) But I am definitely "slip-sliding" away with this one to play with!


Yay, glad to see this pop up again! Let me know how it works for you.

I was SO pleased and honored to have this spread chosen to appear in the 2005 AT calendar. May all our problems drain away with some scrubbing!


I was hoping someone else was also enjoying reading with this spread, which is featured on the Tarot Lover's Calendar for this month.

I have used this spread and I am quite pleased with the overall layout of the cards and the different angles one can look at the task at hand .

Thank you Imagemaker for your ingenuity


I added the bubbles like this, after only reading Page 1:

1. The tub - the environment of the task/project
2. The hot water - what may cause worry
3. The cold water - what may stop progress
4. The soap - what you need to do
5. The bubbles - the excess/superfluous of the situation
6. The rubber ducky - what will be fun
7. The drain - what you'll get rid of
8. The towel - how you'll feel after it's done


I like the addition of bubbles--maybe they could also mean "what may distract you"