Dragon Tarot 5 of Cups


Dragon Tarot
by Peter Pracownik

The Five of Cups

I was looking at this card and it has taken some time to pick out the symbolic meanings in the cards that seemed some str8 forward in the RW artwork.

In This card you see a Dragon and she/he is in the wanter and he/she is swiming towards the land. There is lightning in the sky, so I might say that he/she needs to come on land because there its not safe to be in the water while there's lightning.
I see this as a form or regret because he has to leave the water.

But while writing this I noticed (for the first time) that this Dragon is the ONLY Dragon in the entire deck WITH OUT WINGS!

So maybe the card is saying that "Ok I don't have wings, but I can still swim!"

The book says "Emotional self reliance": And I can see that. Just because you lost your wings doesn't mean you have to give up. You have other ways to get around.
Just because you have lost something doesn't mean you have to stop, you have other means to accomplish the same ends. Just different.

And maybe the lightning still plays in. Because this way is more challenging and we have to learn to way to get around issues.

5 is a number for change and movement. I can see that 5 here means also challenges that need to be overcome

Any one else idea on this card?