Sabian Symbols Study Group: Libra 4 - #184


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LIBRA
Degree: 4
Number: 184



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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We went away for the weekend, and through a friend of a friend, met a woman whose son is stationed in Iraq. She wanted me to do a reading for her, and lo and behold I forgot my cards.....but there was the internet.

We went to the Sabian Symbol site and she used the oracle to focus and to ask her question. She wanted to know when her son was coming home.

I'd really appreciate to hear other's comments on this one...please!!!

Right away, I saw a young man who was loyal to his companions, and his country. Sitting within the enclosed circle of his group, he acted as a balance to an incredible. force. I could almost see him networking and weaving suggestions among his comrades.

Sadly, I did not see him coming home too soon. Although being a Libra sign, I wondered if there was a possibility of the end of September to some time in October.

This symbol looked to me as one of 'social motivation'. Where people are motivated to fight a cause and get together and do things together.

What I also saw, was that the power of the group can be used against us.....if we are thinking of moving beyond the circle....."how could you leave us now, how could you pull away without giving everything"?

Dedicated causes can vamp everybody's energy....trying to pull away is likened to the Devil, in pulling away from the group.

In this case, I saw that to this man, the team right now is more important than the individual....the circle here makes each person grow and participate.




Part of the body, surface of the kidney

The kidneys are the blood's purifying station. They also have the ability to bring to life that which is stored away and deep within. They are also participants in the elimination of wastes from the body.

The Kidneys are associated with normal breathing, our bones, and the production of marrow. They also influence our adrenal glands that sit atop each kidney as well as our spinal column. The kidney meridian travels up the spinal spinal column and into our brain.

Optimism and the need for challenges are important for kidney function. But if we become too inactive (paralyzed, held back by something) and unable to set new goals, the kidneys, liver and sciatic nerve will take the brunt of it.

Enthusiasm in a group can be contagious, stimulating everyone within its circle to new heights as well as very challenging. If thoughts are uplifiting, we are raised to a higher vibration. But if our thoughts are in conflict with others, (cutting, faultfinding, protesting) our kidneys, our liver, our whole system becomes burdened with congestion.

A group that lets go of old thoughts and takes on new and better ones is a very healthy unit of energy.



Silly me! I never once mentioned here the campfire! But it was definitely in my mind and its expression felt in the description of the kidneys. My apologies.

What I did see in the raw lands of Iraq, these men sseated around the fire, communing with one another, their spirits their hopes and their togetherness committed to one another. A link of hope, opportunities and of survival.



crazy raven

Thank you so much for this tink. I suffer greatly from sciatica and I've been in a major slump and held back lately. I've been contemplating joining a spiritual group in my area. It just maybe the thing I need to get things moving again.

Thank you.

crazy raven

tink27 said:
Part of the body, surface of the kidney

The kidneys are the blood's purifying station. They also have the ability to bring to life that which is stored away and deep within. They are also participants in the elimination of wastes from the body.

The Kidneys are associated with normal breathing, our bones, and the production of marrow. They also influence our adrenal glands that sit atop each kidney as well as our spinal column. The kidney meridian travels up the spinal spinal column and into our brain.

Optimism and the need for challenges are important for kidney function. But if we become too inactive (paralyzed, held back by something) and unable to set new goals, the kidneys, liver and sciatic nerve will take the brunt of it.

Enthusiasm in a group can be contagious, stimulating everyone within its circle to new heights as well as very challenging. If thoughts are uplifiting, we are raised to a higher vibration. But if our thoughts are in conflict with others, (cutting, faultfinding, protesting) our kidneys, our liver, our whole system becomes burdened with congestion.

A group that lets go of old thoughts and takes on new and better ones is a very healthy unit of energy.



:) Tink, I don't think I can add much to what you've already said.

There is no movement here.............a strong feel of brotherhood .......could almost be a soul group fulfilling their mission. The fire holds them there and will continue to do so while it burns. Committed to one another and also to what they are fighting for.

I can't see him choosing to come home.

Interesting to compare the fiery nature of this Libran symbol with its opposite Aries 4 which is so much gentler.


mooncat2 said:
could almost be a soul group fulfilling their mission.
Checking out my progressed chart ........ and here is my current Sun sign ..... very appropriate for me I think, bearing in mind how we've all come together with the symbols :)


Kum by ya my Lord, kum by ya
Kum by ya my Lord, kum by ya
Kum by ya my Lord, kum by ya
Oh, Lord kum by ya.
Someone’s crying Lord, kum by ya
Someone’s praying Lord, kum by ya
“ singing “
“ laughing “
Come by here my Lord, come by here

AND I mean that in reverence -- I LOVE THAT SONG and all the memories that go along with it..

its like the day Princess Di's funderal - everyone watching the funeral PRAYED at the same time - they may not have been conscious of it - but it was a powerful moment..

This is my Uranus - Oh and I DO LOVE FIRE!!

Numerology: 184
Sabian Symbol: A group around a campfire
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Amiability
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Kidney surface
Crystal Element: Fire Opal
Expression: Fire Opal shows flashes of red, orange and yellow within the pale-yellow-to-red body colour. Fire Opal ignites sociability and hospitality, radiates Phoenix energy.
Message: Flames illuminate, warm, colour and ignite awareness.
Sun Focus: A humble leader and honourable friend, you provide companionship, warmth and support.
Affirmation: My inner fire burns bright and true.