Can you impact other people's readings for you?


Without meaning to, that is. I was just musing. I know that if I am very emotionally involved with a question, it tends to skew my perspective and I am less likely to interpret the cards correctly. Sometimes I think I almost pull the cards I will to appear?

Can this also apply to someone who reads for us? If our emotions are strong and the reader is inexperienced, could our energy or emotion impact either the draw or interpretation?


I think you could affect a reading for you absolutely. This could be done not only by the words you put out but also your demeanor.


Because I think we "imbue" the cards with our subconscious knowledge through the shuffle-and-cut that organizes them for the spread, I believe we do that all the time regardless of who performs the interpretation. This obviously doesn't apply unless it's a face-to-face reading where the sitter handles the cards. For remote reading my answer would be "only to the extent the reader is psychically tuned in to you."


You certainly can pull cards that you will to appear, which is why it is important that when you shuffle and do the pull that your mind is clear, without expectation (except for the expectation that you will receive the truth of whatever it is you are asking for). When I pull cards when my mind is desiring a certain outcome, I do often get skewed results. I know it too. I sometimes will even just put those cards back without even looking at them as I know it is just b.s..

I have known some people who can really throw off a reading, such as energy-workers who specifically create "glamours" and things like that. When you go to read them you then pick up on the glamour that they have created instead of the truth. Again, these are mostly energy-workers who are involved in a lot more dangerous things than tarot, and they are best avoided.

Besides that, it is possible that someone's will could affect your own when you are doing a reading for them, but that really depends on a lot of factors (such as how strong is their desire for a certain thing, how susceptible and open the reader is to influence, how clear is the reader in getting at the truth (or how much do they really just want the querent to be happy with the reading over finding the truth, which would then open them to a more colored draw and interpretation) etc.)

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Yes of course :)

Hence why one might go through a plethora of "grounding"/prayers/ritual or other kinds of pre-exercises, to get oneself into a more objective mindset.

Or not - if one can more easily disengage oneself from other.


Yes of course :)

Hence why one might go through a plethora of "grounding"/prayers/ritual or other kinds of pre-exercises, to get oneself into a more objective mindset.

Or not - if one can more easily disengage oneself from other.

Most of the earlier books I own ('60s-era) advise concentrating intently on the question or topic area (which would obviously create a tighter bond between the querent and the cards) while later books say to try to blank your mind as much as possible. Since I don't want to know the subject in advance, I tell the sitter to concentrate and I blank my own mind. In that way, the cards "speak their piece" directly to the querent with my interpretation but (ideally) not my subjective intervention in the communion. The fewer preconceptions I introduce, the clearer the reading in my experience.


...I blank my own mind. In that way, the cards "speak their piece" directly to the querent with my interpretation but (ideally) not my subjective intervention in the communion. The fewer preconceptions I introduce, the clearer the reading in my experience.

Yes. :thumbsup:

Somedays - I can do this easily, floating along on disengagement just like that *snaps fingers*.
Somedays - A plethora of pre-exercises come in handy... :).

Not quite fine-tuned yet.