Tyldwick - Ace of Swords


The suit of swords represents clarity in various guises:
~ the objective truth
~ sudden creative inspiration or problem solving
~ effective communication
~ the light of understanding

Yet the sword is double-edged; it can be used to help or harm. The spiraling steel basket around the hilt is more than just a decoration. Along with the cross-guard (hand-guard), they keep the hand from sliding down towards the blade during thrusts and protect the hand from blows by an opponent. Care must be taken with our knowledge and words, or we may wind up with unintended injuries. We need the cross-guard to stop us from crossing boundaries that we don't need to cross.
The rounded ball at the end of the sword is known as a pommel, a counter-weight used to balance the sword. If the hilt was too heavy, the sword would be ineffective; if the blade was too heavy, it would be too difficult to wield. This balance suggests a need for objectivity and avoiding extremes.
Swords have what is known as the Center of Percussion - the point that produces the least amount of vibration when struck against a target. If you've ever used one rigid object to hit another (a baseball bat against a post, for instance), and felt like you rattled your teeth with the shock of the hit, then you've experienced what is NOT the CoP. This center is the "sweet-spot," the point that can deliver the most powerful blows. It suggests that we need to develop skills when it comes to our ideas and speech; otherwise they may have vibrations that extend well beyond what were intended.
The Celtic knotwork mandala the sword rests on reminds us of our interconnection. The thoughts and words we release into the world can have dangerous potential. They become woven into our relationships with friends, family, other countries and the earth itself. They touch and affect EVERYTHING. So before we start playing around with that sharp sword, we need to make damn sure we know how to handle it safely.



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I can only say thank you. This made me look at the Ace of Swords in a new way and I learned some things I didn't know. :)
I don't have the Tyldwick but am so drawn to its images, putting on my wish list and hoping that this deck finds its way to me one of these days.
Again, thank you for sharing your studies of this beautiful deck.



Thank you so much for your kind words, PattyMc. :) I hope you will join in and post your thoughts on the cards when you can. Here's hoping this beautiful deck finds its way to you soon!


Seconding Patty's remarks.

The Aces are sometimes deviously simple, risking superficial interpretations for newbies, like myself. Thank you for providing us with means of deeper illuminations!
