Sabian Symbols Study Group: Leo 16 - #136


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LEO
Degree: 16
Number: 136



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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So many thoughts with this symbol…..

I’d want to be with this person if caught in a bad storm. In a flash, they’d would have quickly figured how to get us out! In a crisis, we go through a radical realignment, the power, the energy can be tremendous!! Limitations fall away, creativity paves the way. Breaking the mind-set, the heart takes control. When we face a storm head on, I see it as a conflict of Wills… one bends, no one breaks. I wonder if a person with this symbol wears many battle scars? Someone whose been through many trying events, who has had to face and transform many demons in their lifetime.

Hmm, sunshine after a storm…..the dark clouds….the storm….now shadows in the background. In a crisis, strongly held opinions, and the need for control vanish! We act on impulse, we breakthrough….sunshine!! Have we truly conquered them or will they be back again.

At first I felt old things, hidden things, rising up, spinning out…breaking free. In its chaos, painful memories, flowing from the heart of the storm….a painful loss, rejection, anger, confusion, a sense of reaching a boundary, on the razors edge. Cause and effect?.......a chain reaction? You cannot fool Nature, she finds out everytime! She can heal and then destroy in a moment’s notice. We’ve created barricades to protect ourselves from her …..instead of flowing, adapting and understanding her Power.

The Sun can be seen as so many things! It is an archetype of the father, the patriarch, the Life Force, even One’s identity. When we lose a belief or a sense of who we are, we free-fall into the abyss…..lost for a time in the darkness….our minds are blind ohhh but the heart, it sees best in the dark.

Could this also be a loss of one’s religion….your know that safety net that supposed to catch us when we just happen to lose our balance. Also, feelings of deeply ingrained images that continually ravage one’s emotions.

My scientific mind says if something (nonphysical) larger than ourselves exists outside space and time, then we have to expand, not reduce everything to its most basic elements. When we expand our beliefs in ourselves we feel energetic, strong and intelligent. Our oxygenated blood flows freely throughout our body…..we become a powerhouse of energy!!! BUT>>>

My spiritual mind looks at the most basic elements as a deeply plotted story, created, designed and ignited on the day we were born. There are spiritual counselors who have assisted many through hypnosis and meditation, in returning to the womb. By observing, and getting in touch with our introduction to the world, we can suddenly discover and perceive our entire existence in a whole new light. Apparently rebirthing, can generate surprising and powerful emotions! Hidden things suddenly light up! I see the combination of science and spirituality as a form of contracting and expanding…..breathing in and breathing out.

I don’t believe TRUE knowledge comes from education, or any religion….it comes from what we have experienced through life. And it comes when we let go of the need to manipulate, order and control our environment! By observing and reflecting we can align and synchronize ourselves with Mother Earth. We've all experienced this in our's a eureka!!....we're inspired, creative....we're in the brilliance of its orgasmic flow.

tink :love:


Leo 16
Birthdays: August 7th–9th
Numerology: 136
Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Recovery
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Left atrium
Crystal Element: Yellow Fluorite
Expression: Fluorite is a common mineral and can be found in a variety of colours, including yellow. Yellow Fluorite enhances psychic protection, healing and purification.
Message: Symbol of hope, salvation and glory.
Sun Focus: You are generous, confident and loyal, always ready to achieve wonderful things.
Affirmation: I radiate golden energy.