Child+ Key


Child + Key

Child- something tiny
Key- yes or opportunity

How about you will hear of a
small opportunity. Maybe something will be
offered to you which could lead up to
bigger options in the future but for now
the option looks as a situation to pass on. :)

- something your overlooking?


Adding to all the perfect above answers...
Sometime the key comes up as to showing you the importance of in essential

For example.. Child +Key the issue might be small but it is a key factor.. Or look for a very important small detail that will help you unlock or succeed in....

What I am trying to say is sometime the key maybe highlighting something you are overlooking..

You get the idea


Both of those ideas work too, yes I do have a feeling that even though something's being revealed, in also have the key to something else that's small that is important I figured that out on the bus this morning that now I have to action.

All these are great and expanding my awareness of the combo