does anyone think the fool in this deck


looks like Goerge W. Bush (shudder)
call me crazy?


Lots of people ;)
Look through the Gilded threads and you'll see other cards look like famous people. The deck creator posts here quite often, look for cirom as a user name. Very nice man!




Whether it was meant to be or it wasn't, I have decided, it's the perfect fool.



no kidding! lol.

I looked through the cards just now. I don't recognize an more famous people. does someone care to give me a hint if you remember? (I will search the threads but not tonight!)


btw if it wasn't intentional (as the thread staes above) that sure is a funny coincidence, huh? it looks just like GWB!


and I apologize cirom, but I had to ask! ;)

Elly Magritte

I don't think it looks like him personally, it never struck me as that until somebody mentioned it, and even then, I'm not swayed. I'd agree that within the deck there are characters that look fairly similar, but none of them struck me as being 'famous'.

This whole 'he does look like/he isn't' It reminds me of when I saw this portrait of some noblewoman or something at the National Portrait Gallery and I swore it was Helen Mirren, but obviously it couldn't be unless there was some form of time-travelling conspiracy! :p It's like the brain tricking you with the 'Satan messages' when you listen to some songs backwards.


rainbowmoon said:
and I apologize cirom, but I had to ask! ;)

No need to apologize. Despite 6 Haunted days post warnings of my getting "worked up" about it. As she knows by now I hope, my position on this is to simply state that it isn't GW, and to attempt to negate the assumption by many that it was a political statement on my part. That's not so much getting work up as simply feeling the need to separate fact from assumption. Which I'm in a unique position to do. Having said that if you or anyone else wants to think it is GW or feel its appropriate, then thats fine. After all, that process of personal interpretation of any card is part and parcel of the role of all tarot images. However I do think its regrettable that some people who initially didn't see this "likeness" but after having read it now find it difficult to not make the connection. Unfortunate.

While this may be a more extreme case of "likeness" it certainly not unique. Some people have commented the Fool also looks like a younger Paul Newman, the Queen of Swords is a younger Elizabeth Taylor. I should have kept all the e-mails, between them all apparently half of Hollywood makes a cameo appearance :) However the truth is that everyone on that particular deck is family and friends, that way I avoided model fees :)