Now 'Science' is visiting me too....


I did a three card reading tonight and science has been a recurring card for me lately also....maybe some help here from the peanut gallery?

I was doing a reading for myself to find out how to motivate the girl i'm involved with to move out of the place she is living. she's says she wants to but is dragging the heres what i got

2 1 3

1. 6 of Swords - Science
2. Queen of Swords
3. 4 of Swords - Truce

What I get out of it is that I need to study the problem and appease her sense of slow methodical decision making by coming up with a compromise? Any other takes out there?



Ventrue said:
2 1 3

1. 6 of Swords - Science
2. Queen of Swords
3. 4 of Swords - Truce

The Theme here is communication, since all the swords are turned either downward, or inward, I am going to say the situation is internalized greatly.

If you look at the Queen, she sits on her throne, seeming to consider everything around her and think about it. The Book of Thoth indicates the 21st of Virgo - 20th of Libra. Is this your girlfriend? If it is, and she is Libra, or heavy Libra influance, this could be indicative of her lack of decision making because she has to be "balanced", a theme which is reflected in the next two cards.

The Six takes this to the next level, mulling over ideas for an extended period of time, in a balanced fashion. (See the other Six Thread for more info).

This should, in theory - expand into structured action within the 4, even if that action is simply making peace with yourself. This is shown as Jupiter in Libra.

I realize this doesn't exactly answer your question. The prevelance of swords however, signify that this is all discussion, and discussion only gets you so far without action to take the next step and have those ideas manifest.

There seeems to be a balance theme here, as much as considering the situation from several differant angels (as seen in both the four and six). This does suggest evenutal compormise, but only after being totally sure of what action is required.

One thing I feel I should mention, is coming to a Truce does not nessercarly mean you win. It just means the other person stops fighting. The two are not the same. The cards shown as not indicative of any materialisitc, emotional or passionate aspect, just pure discussion and thought. Something to be aware of as without balance to a given situation (as shown in the four and six) We end up with situations such as those expressed in the 3 and 5 of the same suit.



yes its a girlfriend, and yes of course she is a libra, i didn't even see that i feel ashamed. Well it kinda feels like it told me what i already know, and what i've been doing. although it did it very convincingly.... i guess i'll sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings. I'm kinda stuck as to what to do :(
