Rider Waite - 7 of Wands - Interesting Observation


In the rider waite, 7 of pents shoes are different colors, in universal waite they are not,it could be the different colors in the rider waite is because one foot is in the shadow of the bush tho. I love tarot.com and their browse deck section,allows a poor person like me to do such comparisons without owning thedecks hehe


Maybe it shows how ill prepared he was for the fight, but he still managed to come out on top?...
I had to read up a bit when i did that card for the FACT, and thats the only thing i can think of...


I'm going out on a complete limb, but generally shoes, and feet are about stepping out, taking action. Bringing a bit of left hemisphere/right hemisphere brain dominance stuff into that- he's got a boot on his left side (right brain- artistic, yin, visual) and shoe on his right foot (left brain- verbal, yang, very rational). Not quite sure where I am going with this- something about the level of protection or closure the different footwear provide symbolically representing the kind of action he is taking.
Oh, I know, I know.... I'm confusing myself too! My thinking can get a bit too lateral sometimes (very right brain dominated LOL)

Tarot Hermit

I have several different versions of the Waite deck. In both the Albino-
Waite and the Original Rider Waite the boots are the same color. In the deck
with the blue plaid back they are different colors. So perhaps this is just a
fluke with the plates?

Tarot Hermit


my 2 cents worth is that perhaps the different shoes could mean that he is fighting for more than one thing/cause/belief, etc, or that he could be in 2 minds at this point of his journey :)


blumoon said:
my 2 cents worth .......

Blumoon: I've noticed that your two cents are worth a lot more than just two cents :) Keep those observations coming!!


Diana said:

Blumoon: I've noticed that your two cents are worth a lot more than just two cents :) Keep those observations coming!!

thank you very much Diana that made my day! :) :) :)


Different shoes...

There is a LOT of symbolism in the tarot that is shared with the Masons.
You may want to hunt down a member, and ask them about the symbolism of one shoe off (or different).


I have noticed the dichotomy in footgear & attributed it to referring to balance; positive/negative; yin/yang; the use of energy.
Butterfly's explanation seems to run along similar ideas.
Feet represent understanding. The *right* side or part of anything refers to the conscious realm or the mundane.
The *left*, to the unconscious or of the spirit.
The right foot is more exposed; not hidden or more obvious. The left is completely covered by the larger expanse of the boot; more protected; partially "hidden"--as the unconscious is.
BTW: I have never come across any references to this.
Mojo: Care to enlighten us, please?


Well I'm not Mojo, but I will add my two cents. The shoes may be linked to the two sphinxes of The Chariot, indicating what some of you have already suggested, two different sides.

One astrologer, Partricia Darrow says, "Two different types of shoes, two different understandings." Perhaps the shoes do stand for differences... hm, and in such an obviously, literal way.

You can visit Darrow's site at:

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