SWWF ~ Healing Work Group ~ The Rarr ~ Tabi & Geministar & Faerylvr


Sorry Ladies but this week as been insane for me, I was planning on working with the Feys later today when I get home from work. I however had a question to throw out to you, since you both obviously work a great deal more then I do with them.

I was thinking of place Rarr in the circle of the table, and then asking the Feys to tell me a little bit about him and his energy and purpose. One at each point of either element/direction.

One of these two (which are parts of other longer spreads):

Phoenix said:
3. North - Physical world (I changed that one)
4. South - Creativity
5. West - Spirituality
6. East - Intillectual

Here is the whole spread.


WolfyJames said:
2 - North: represents dreams and intangibles ideals, representing that which you aspire to.
3 - South: represents earthly pursuits and material concerns.
4 - West: represents the setting sun, or that which has been.
5 - East: represents the rising sun, or that which is yet to be.

Which is actually part of the longer Madama Endora deck: The Oracle of The World Spread

I was wanting to know if either (any of you) think this would help me understand or would be more confusing to the situation?!


Well... I think it could go either way for you... sorry, clear as mud I know. The Fae can be very helpful, but often times they are very cryptic. If you wanted to do the layout and post what happened we (I say we, but I am for sure me... I am just volunteering Geministar :D) would be happy to help clear any mud up for you.


I'm sure Gem is use to being volunteed for things. ;) And thank you, it would be interesting to see what they pull up wouldn't it.

I was thinking along the lines of letting the other Feys speak of what they think and feel the Rarr's strong points are.


That sounds like a good way to start, especially if you are having a hard time starting on your own. It is always interesting to see what the fae have to say about one another.

Guiding Cauldron

just a quickie here :)

since your all trying to get to know the rarr, I am starting this - on my own as well, secretly hanging out in the catacombs as it may be.... but anyway last night i saw rarr face! have you noticed the card seems to have the rarr flying backwards with his back facing the left side of card. i definetly saw eyes, nose and toothy mouth and arms wide open in glee! i always thought it odd that he had no obvious face and last night it was clear as day to me :)


Hi Tabi,

I think the spreads sound like a great idea! I think you should start with the first one by Phoenix and if you're still unsure, continue on with the next one.

I say we, but I am for sure me... I am just volunteering Geministar ) would be happy to help clear any mud up for you.

Thanks for volunteering me too Faerylvr! :D :* I also would be happy to help clear anything up for you. Im starting to really like this study.

I'm sure Gem is use to being volunteed for things. And thank you, it would be interesting to see what they pull up wouldn't it.

*giggle* Yep, I sure am! I dont mind though, which is a good thing ;) I think its a good idea to see what some of the other fae have to say about Rarr. :)


Hi Sunshineluvr,

I actually thought that was Rarr's front which you say is his back. But I havent thought too much about that though. Im going to check it out again later when I get my cards out.

Im straight out of bed right now, had to see what was happening in here!

sunshineluvr said:
since your all trying to get to know the rarr, I am starting this - on my own as well, secretly hanging out in the catacombs as it may be.... but anyway last night i saw rarr face! have you noticed the card seems to have the rarr flying backwards with his back facing the left side of card. i definetly saw eyes, nose and toothy mouth and arms wide open in glee! i always thought it odd that he had no obvious face and last night it was clear as day to me :)


My reading with the Feys

So I placed Rarr in the center of this and drew cards to see who had what to say:

Geeeeooo the Slooow jumped in on the North, this seems fitting from my understanding of him. He is one that watches nature. He needs Rarr as much as Rarr needs him. While they are opposite of one another they are how the other one moves forward with progress. Rarr is how Geeeeooo's nature grows and comes forth, so that he (Geeeeooo) can watch it grown.

The Pook-Rx flutters forth in the South, he speaks to making sure that we go forward and not spending too much time (energy) on what we deem important and what actually isn't important. And of course what could be unhealthy for us. Here he is reflecting that Rarr's energy has to be used to make us grow. Hopefully in a matter that is helpful and not harmful to us.

The Soul Shrinker-Rx pushes his way through in the West, these two again seem as opposites. While Geeeooo, seems to be a positive opposite, this one seems to be a negative opposite. Soul Shrinker's negativity seems to be pushing hard into Rarr's energy. If it is used wrong there will be seriously and dangerous trouble ahead. There is a flip side to this, that if noticed before it gets too bad, Soul's purpose could become a very positive thing.

Sylvanius glows in the East, taps into Rarr's energy for a more personal look at one's self. Taking or making all images and reflections change even distorting them to force you (me) to see beyond what is really there. While the Sword of Truth is there, it still needs (Rarr's) energy to wieled.

I have the book helping me but I still have to say that it was a better understanding by doing this "exercise" then the book alone. Each of the four points helped me a great deal in understanding Rarr better. I do realize this is only a very small part of him but it is a start and a very unique look at the Feys all around.

I would however love to hear what all of you have to say about this.


ps....hello sunshineluvr didn't mean to ignore you earlier just kinda busy and trying to get to work on time after an insanely busy "weekend".


Dear Tabi,

Interesting Spread and very interesting Fae that showed up! Since this group has worked mainly on restlessness I'm going to go and interpret that as the aspect of the Rarr in the middle. I've just added my own thoughts, not comments on yours, as I felt yours are very valid and need no comment.

Geeeeooo the Slooow jumped in on the North, physically speaking, I would see how the enormous restlessness in the Rarr itself, makes the physical world seem slow and pointless in comparison. The difference between the two highlights them. I also feel that, because of the restless energy aspect of the Rarr, we have the continuous feeling that nothing gets done, only increasing our own stress levels and restlessness.
And in truth, very little gets done, as the restlessness swallows all our energy.

The Pook-Rx flutters forth in the South, creatively speaking I can see how the Pook-Rx shows up in the South. It's hard to be creative when you have a lot of energy and a lot of ideas but nothing to express them with as you can't stand still. This restlessness keeps us from expressing our own selves, as it is, in itself, a mask.

The Soul Shrinker-Rx pushes his way through in the West, Spiritually speaking.... I often see that this restlessness causes a lot of yab, negative words and pain. People are short-tempered and do indeed say bad bad things to each other. As well to themselves as they lose their temper to themselves too.

Sylvanius glows in the East, on the intellectual side, I think, it shows how fast and furious this restless energy can cause us to go through so much scenarios and mental exercise and make us aware of our masks and layers of truth.

Just my thoughts,




I think you are spot on with what you are doing. Again remember that Rarr will wait to be invited, so even though the other fae know he is there and that he needs to be used, none of them can "force" him to do what he isn't invited to do... so be sure that you are open to having the healing energy. Sometimes we think we are open, but then for some reason he doesn't come in. That is because we aren't as open to being healed as we thought. Past hurts are sometimes hard to let go of and even though we think we want to, we have to truly be ready... he can help with all of those things.

Kahlie talks of Sylvanus and the layers and masks... I think this is one of those things that matches what I was saying above. Old hurts take a lot of energy and sometimes we think on the surface we are ready to heal, but really we haven't looked deeper. Rarr can help us look deeper, but only if we acknowledge that there is a deeper section to look for and into. If we truly don't realize how deep we need to heal, then he can't help.

Geo the Sloooooow also helps us to remember that the Rarr is a bundle of energy and that can sometimes consume us if we don't remember to keep him in balance with other things. Healing is a wonderful thing, but it should be a balanced process and once Rarr is in, he wants to go, go, go.

Soul Shrinker Rx can also be there to remind Rarr that healing is something everyone does in their own way. Sometimes Rarr's energy can cause us to do things we wouldn't normally do. Soul Shrinker Rx is also there to help deal with the negativity that comes from healing. Very often when we heal we have to deal with emotions or thoughts that we had buried and those can cause a great deal of hurt. Soul Shrinker Rx will help with that.

Pook Rx is also there to help us help Rarr come up with creative ways to heal. Often times Rarr helps us heal, but doesn't always have the ideal way for us to express ourselves. With Pook Rx's help Rarr can help us put the energy we have found to good use.

Tabi, this was great. I think you are well on your way to healing and figuring out the fae.