2009 Llewellyn deck, Wizards Tarot


Perhaps he is hanging out with ravens?

The art's good, and not so much Harry Potter-looking, but I'd have preferred less HP-esque titles as well. Some come off as a bit forced, actually. Nice twist though on the Wheel of Fortune having a spinning wheel; recalls the Moirae.


There's a picture of the hanged man hanging in the background of the card.


Look behind him. There's a picture of him in his study hanging upside down.
Or else I'm hallucinating.


Well there you go, synchronized hallucinations at a distance. Woowoowoo.


I like it, total kitsch that it is, *lol*... However:

Many of the women Professors are leaking outrageous sexual energy. 'School' is not the proper forum for such expression. Indeed, a wise magician understands the proper use of sexual energy and knows when and where to wield it.

It's outrightly sexist... if The Moon is a half-naked woman basking in the moonlight (a most beautiful depiction by-the-way), why isn't The Sun a half-naked man basking in the sunlight? I don't mind sexy. I don't mind provocative. But this is a school for chrissake! The men are all serious-minded (and clothed), while a good portion of the women are outright sex-pot babes or attired in a provacative way.

Still, I like the deck and will purchase it.


FaireMaiden said:
Still, I like the deck and will purchase it.

Spoken like a true tarotholic. :D


Ditto nearly everything Scion said.

It's certainly not a deck for me, though I can see why it would appeal to some.

Greg Stanton

Seems like a tie-in to a children's book that was never written.


I really can't see this deck doing well, it is devoid of any feeling, just bland pictures of people.