The 5 of Pentacles is haunting my friendship. Help please


Readers often view the 5/Pents as people cast out, but it can actually mean "pride" and people who refuse to, yes, take charity. They either refuse any help, no matter how desperately they could use it, or they seek help from someone they know (a friend or relative) rather than take handouts from a church or go on government assistance. There is a feeling that a friend/relative can be paid back and, thus, carry less stigma and shame than if that help is taken from a charity or welfare.

So, ironically enough, there is an element of "pride" in the 5/Pents card, in spite of how humbling the two out in the snow appear. They might not be kicked out or blocked...they might be refusing to go in because it means taking charity from strangers. You'll notice that the 6/Pents that follow shows just that, by the way. Someone finally admitting they need help from more than a friend/relative, and that it's okay to take it.

very insightful! i can definitely see how pride can be a part of this card.