the As Official As It Can Get Guide To The Pixie Lenormand Deck


I just found this thread. I just received this wonderful deck and this is a great thread, but incomplete. Can we resurrect it and continue the card-by-card meanings and stories? They are wonderful.


Now that I have found the Intro to Lenormand thread, I confess that is not enough. Nay. The STORIES that Ashtaroot related are ever so special, engaging and enlightening. I do so wish that A would surface again with some more pertinent stories. Sigh.


Hey there sorry for the long silence on this thread.. A new project is in the work but her and I will be looking into starting up the stories again here in a bit


Now that I have found the Intro to Lenormand thread, I confess that is not enough. Nay. The STORIES that Ashtaroot related are ever so special, engaging and enlightening. I do so wish that A would surface again with some more pertinent stories. Sigh.

Thank you Tag_jorrit for your kind words:) I'm really touched :heart:
OK here you go..

How appropriate to start with this card in this time of the year...

The Coffin
A serious and/or dangerous ailment, death, total loss of fortune, painful transitions. In the grand tableau the further this card from the charged card the less dangerous it is.

This card popped up a lot in the above posts. For me on many occasions the Coffin talked about actual death. The last reading that this came up and I can't shake from mind, was about a year and half ago.

My dad was suffering painfully with Alzheimer, one day I pulled 3 cards without a question just thinking about him and I got The Sun+The Coffin+The Dog
Right away I knew that his shining star will be turning off soon and move on. And exactly 31 days later ,my dad's suffering ended and he crossed:( now get this the number of The Sun is 31. At the time I didn't pay attention, later when I went back to look at my journal I was shocked :bugeyed: it was right in my face telling me exactly what's going to happen and when 31Sun+8Coffin...

OK on a lighter note..
Recently I got a call from a client, frantically going on about a lost big shipment that never reached it's destination overseas. I was asked to find out where the shipment is? is it lost in the US or Overseas? and if it was going to appear anytime soon? and if there was any fowl play.... At first I was like ummmm really?!?!? Then seeing how distraught the client was, I agreed to pull cards.

Where is the shipment?
The Bear + The Anchor + The Coffin
I told him that it's buried and hidden in a big dark place under many other crates. And the cards did not show that it went anywhere, but it was anchored here still at the airport.
Is it going to appear?
The Book+ The Clover
Yes but after some work and investigation
I didn't see or feel any fowl play

After a week of investigation, the shipment was found in a backup storage in the airport mislabeled with other crates and never left the States.

For me personally The Coffin is a bit more morbid than The Death card in Tarot, its more dangerous...although it can come in a lighter interp.. meaning heavy depression and/ or a pessimistic attitude })


Could you also continue with the descriptions of where the images came from? They are wonderful to read while looking at the cards--you paid so much attention to detail!


The Coffin-

For a card like this one HAS to use something from the 10 of Swords, ya just have to. So the background, one of the most recognizable I think, has come from there. The trick was to remove all the swords from it to be able to actually use it. The death shroud also comes from that card. Our stone coffin itself at first one might think it off the 4 of swords but, in fact it come from a poem that Pixie illustrated back in 1902. The candles have been altered to be longer and many more added. If you look closely at the left side of the coffin you will see a small loin head from the throne of the Queen of Wands to help remember that this is a card that goes with Leo. This was about the 9-10 card done and it was the one that made me go back and start to reclean up and adjust images because it was now that this was becoming more of a project that was just between a few friends and one that many people liked and I wanted the art to be able to stand up to close inspection


The Snake-
I don’t think any other card in the deck gave me such trouble as this one. I have almost 5 versions of this card saved. At one time it was climbing a tree, other times it was wondering through the background of the 7 of Swords. It was just a nightmare card. No other card up to this point had as much discussion between me and Rana then how this one should be done. It, like it’s symbol, was elusive and conniving . After going back and forth for almost a week on how and what the card finally came together one night when I just sat down and told myself I was not going to leave this damn computer till this card was done. It was in the latter half of the design period and was a card I just dreaded. One would think it would have been easy to find a snake drawn up already in the deck… not really. We have one on The Lovers, The Wheel of Fortune and lastly on the 7 of cups. That’s all folks. Pixie was not a big animal artist either so looking to her other work was not much help at all. It was the time that one has to just look at the shapes within the artwork of the cards to give things life. I was not budging on using the background color of the 7 of swords but the rest was still more or less up for grabs. Then just flipping through the deck I came across a snake that had been hiding in plane sight the whole time. When I found it I was so flipping excited I almost peed myself. The edging of the pillow on The Empress is what became the texture of the snake itself. The eye is from the cat that sits by the throne on the Queen of Wands and I even used the lines of it’s whiskers to make the tongue. The head of the snake went through I think 3 different shapes before there was one that more or less ‘fit’ the Pixie style that I was going for. The long grasses that the snake tries to hide in came off the Temperance card. They were layered and multiplied and the mountain originates from and issue of The Broadsheet the she had done. While not the most glamours card it ranks up there as one my prouder things to have pulled off.


Thanks to all concerned for reviving this thread, I am enjoying the stories. :love:


Oooh! I am LOVING this thread and am sad to see it end. I hope that by bumping this thread someone will help to bring this thread back to life? The stories are amazing and hearing where the images came from are helping me solidify the symbolism into my memory.