Combining Lenormand + Tarot on specific questions


I was not sure whether to put this in the Lenormand or Tarot forum, sorry if the choice is wrong.

Anyhow, combining Tarot + Oracle or Tarot + Lenormand decks has been a long topic here, I would just like to share a technique that I use and see if it resonates with anyone.

I view Lenny and Tarot very differently, and I have written a lot about that topic. Tarot goes deeper and offers a lot of liberty, whereas Lenny is very to-the-point and offers concise and clear answers.

What I love to do is to take on someone with a very specific, clear, mundane question, reveal a short answer, and then offer to explore that further.

Example: I just had a querent on a chatroom during an offer of free readings who asked: "am I going to be able to build a cottage for myself?" The story is quite simple - she lives in a beautiful farmhouse with her family, but has a dream to get a small cottage just for herself, where she can explore and exercise all kinds of spiritual activities.

We did a Lenny reading (Sun-Mountain-Clover), which basically indicates a positive outcome, but there is an obstacle to be overcome.

And THEN we did a Tarot reading to explore what the Mountain (obstacle) actually is. So whereas the main emphasis of the reading is indeed Tarot, I find that this is a wonderful way to zoom in on what the question REALLY is. I mean, she wouldn't ask "will I get my dream cottage" if she knew it was coming - there must be something blocking it, and it is a wonderful way to get to the bottom of it.

I use it in all kinds of topics (e.g Lenny reading - "How will my job interview go?" followed by a Tarot "what can I do to make my job search more succesful" etc)

Does anyone else use a similar symbiosis?


I been reading for quite some time nearing 8 years. I always used oracle deck with tarot.

Oracle decks i felt was like an advice giving thing... Tarot is more grounded I feel...always saw tarot as psychology...almost like a psychiatrist looking at a situation. Lenny I see as physical... focusing more on events/actions.

Tarot readings I usually give is usually mix with psychology.
Oracle I use with it to highlight the emotions going on in the situation, spiritual energy, or to just give advice.

Some of the home-made spread I made is a combo of the two. I haven't brought lenny together with any other system of divination yet. But, If i am doing a deep reading on a situation i'll pull a tarot and oracle for each position of the spread I am doing.

I have even pulled one oracle card to highlight overall energy of the reading.
I have pulled an oracle card to give just advice and guidance.

I always see tarot, oracle, lenny as something that is trying to give you the tools to succeed in your endeavors.